i have 3 comps in my house and they are all networked together i wanted to know if theres a way to send messages to and from them the one is my brothers the other mine and the last one my girlfriends so we all use our files cause we have alot of movies so we all share our stuff and it would be funkin great if we could talk to each other through the comp if any one has any ideas it would be sweet thanx in advance ed-d
map a network drive by Make a file on the desktopand put the movie you want to send to the other computer in there, right click and go to properties make it a file shared on the network. Next get that computers IP address by going to "start" "run" type in command. A black window will come up type in "ipconfig" the computers IP address and other networking addresses will come up, write down the "IP address". Go to the computer you want to send the file to and right click on "My Computer" go to map a network drive, a box will come up type in: \\ip address\name of shared folder
OH SORRY i wasnt clear enough with my question we got the file sending thing down pat but i was wondering if there was a way to send like an im message to and from the comps like to say "hey what the funk r you doin dinners been ready for an hour get down here" best impresion of my mom lol
if i am not mistaken that sort of thing requires a puchasing of software..but if you all had msn meesenger you could do that...