tape is fine, DVD turns out jumpy. Help?

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by shelly999, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. shelly999

    shelly999 Member

    Feb 19, 2005
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    The first five DVDs I made from home movies, turned out fine.
    Now, the last three I have done turned out awful with jumping and jittering and bad picture. The source tape is perfect. The unit is brand new. I have only done 8 copies.

    Any idea why a perfect source tape (several different ones in fact, that are not copy protected) would make a DVD that would have jumpiness in it?
  2. sspearman

    sspearman Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    I have seen this as well and am not always sure of the cause on my ILO DVDR04. Here's a few thoughts:
    1) jerkiness is a side effect of lots of motion in a large part of the screen that exceeds what the MPEG compression can deal with. Anytime you go to longer recording lengths, you're much more likely to see this due to the MPEG bitrate. You might try recording on 1 hour and see if it helps.
    2) is there a chance that these tapes feature larger motion than the others?
    3) did you change DVD brand by any chance? This seems less likely but perhaps a DVD that the machine is having more trouble with could slow down the processing.

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