MUistan joskus kun kaverillani oli laitettu kansion taustakuvaksi tietty kuva, miten tämä on mahdollista?
Vaikka näin ohje enkuksi. 1) Open notepad 2) Type in the text below [{BE0981 40-A513-11D0-A3 A4-00C04FD706EC}] IconArea_Image ="C:\your picture location.jpg" IconArea_Text= 0x00FFFFFF 3) Save file as desktop.ini Save as type : All Files 4) Copy the desktop.ini file you just created, and paste into the folder you want the background to be change 5) Go to START --> RUN.. 6) Type Attrib s "C:\Location of your folder" Click OK 7) Open your folder and the picture should be set by now.