TAW Recruiting

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Nem_TAW, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. Nem_TAW

    Nem_TAW Member

    Nov 13, 2003
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    Couldnt see where else this fitted, so here we go:

    TAW, what does it offer to me?
    TAW's Command structure sees that those do succeed are commended either by Rank improvement, additional role assignments or by issuing medals & awards. Each member with TAW GR holds a position of rank, upon the successful completion of a TAW GR Boot camp & screening process. This is done to ensure you are right for TAW & that TAW is right for you. TAW GR holds some the greatest of friendships from all over the world with its members from Canada, USA & Europe. Primarily an English speaking squad TAW utilises the Teamspeak2 communications package on a secure server...so there is NO LONGER A NEED TO TYPE when you CAN TALK. The Team speak 2 communications utility helps within the battlefield for the issuing of commands & also serves to give long distance friendships the opportunity to keep in touch....a plus no matter how you look at it.
    TAW stems a friend’s first policy & TAW GR is only a single sim that adopts this to a 100% stature.

    TAW GR, what can I expect?
    TAW GR is split into 4 timezones covering neighbouring regions around the world. This ensures that you are gaming with players on an equal timescale & with people you will get to call friends. TAW GR competes within these zones in ladders, cup matches & practices, at least once a week. TAW GR also has its own servers supplied for your gaming experience, so all you need is an original copy of the game & an IP address (es) which TAW GR will supply to its members. In the event of a server going down, TAW GR member’s host, to supply YOU with the gaming experience you expected....so you never lose out.
    TAW GR also tries to maintain internal competitions such as the TAW 3v3 GR ladder & invests additional training expertise into its members for weapon/gaming specialities. These are run by TAW GR's own members for you to partake in.
    Please note that TAW GR requests all applicants to be aged 16 yrs+ this is to avoid educational issues that may arise.

    Hope to meet you soon

  2. Nem_TAW

    Nem_TAW Member

    Nov 13, 2003
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    ...& recruiting is going great! 3 new recruits pulled in with a new Chain of Command in place headed up by Trigrhpy (TriggerHappy).

    If you Homeless & need a GR home come pay TAW a visit OR if your the best & can "whoop" the rest.......take a look at what we can offer you.

    Great friendly bunch from UK, US, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands & further afield. Ages 16- <cough 40+ cough>. Enjoy a drink,,,,slurrring on comms late nights..allnighters.. come take a look!

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2003
  3. shivera

    shivera Guest

    Ur gay
  4. shivera

    shivera Guest

    Just Kidding ;).

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