Okay...I'm an idiot.... I have to be, as it can't be that difficult, even after reading all of these posts (and yes, I see most people say use NERO), but I got Roxio 6, and it works for a friend who talked me into this, so I'm running with it... Here's my steps....what am I missing. Place DVD into TDK drive. Load DVD Decrypter - File Mode - Select All Main Movie Files - Select 3 extra files titled : VIDEO_TS.BUP, VIDEO_TS.IFO,VIDEO_TS.VOB - Then I Decrypt (File is smaller than 4 gig), so skip DVD2ONE. Using Roxio 6.0, I select Creater Classic. - DATA TYPE - I drag folder VIDEO_TS (which DVD Decrypter created) to be burnt - Then I drag an empty folder which I named "AUDIO_TS" to be burnt. - Then I burn the DVD. DVD burns fine, but will not play in my DVD player (non-cpu). It loads, then kind of freezes for second, and then just stops, no picture or sound ever comes about. So what am I missing? Thanks for the help! Me.
oh yeah, I'm using MAXELL DVD+R 4x, 4.7 GIG media, although I tried one TKD 4x DVD+R 4.7 Media as well... Drive is a TDK Indi 420N WINDOWS XP
After responding to this, I tried burning a set of files that DVD Decrypter had ripped off of Holy Grail, a 4.2gig movie. Then I burned a DVD using the technique I initially gave. It wouldn't play in a stand-alone. So I put the files that DVD Decrypter had made thru DVD2One, and it made a totally different file structure than had been ripped. Once I burnt these into the VIDEO_TS folder, it worked. The moral to the story here is: Even tho the movie doesn't need to be compressed, DVD2One will put it in a form that can be burnt and viewed on a stand-alone. That's my experience anyway. Apparently DVD2One was my savior here, but I spose DVD Shrink (free) would do the same thing. Viper.....u owe me 2 bux for the coaster =)_X_X_X_X_X_[small]There is no problem so big, that a brick placed against the proper skull cannot fix =)[/small]
hi viper...i am having the EXACT same problem. did you ever figure this out using Roxio? For me, I ripped with DVDdecryptor, and then the file wasn't that big so i burnt with Roxio as a data file without running Shrink. It plays in my computer, but not my standalone. Is the problem that you can't burn it as a data file in roxio? What settings are you supposed to use on Roxio to get the DVD to play in a standalone?