Is it possible to burn audio discs on "TDK Data" cd-rs? I found a slew of them in a music store, and it doesnt make a whole lot of sense for the music store to sell cd-rs that arent compatible for audio. any word on this?
There is no such thing as a data-only CD-R. Yes you can. Actually the normal CD-Rs are recommended over the audio CD-R, which are designed for the low speed stand alone home CD recorders.
If you are using a CD-RW burner in your PC, dont EVER buy "Music" CD-R's, you are just wasting money. Music CD-Rs are for stand alone CD Recorders that hook up to stereo equipment or jamboxes from Pioneer and Philips. The companies have to pay a fee to the RIAA on each CD-R so thats why they cost more.