tech help with a broken ds screen

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by bgforlife, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. bgforlife

    bgforlife Member

    Apr 15, 2007
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    A buddy of mine recently cracked his top lcd screen on his nintendo ds. i told him no problem, I could fix it for him, but when I replaced the screen and put it all together it wont charge or start-up. Does anyone have any ideas of what could be wrong? I have retaken it apart like 20 times and reassembled it, and still cant get it to work. When I plug in the charge cable the orange light on the console lights up, but then turns off after about a minute. If anyone has any input please respond. Thanks.
  2. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    First off, I reccommend changing the thread title to somehting other than "Help Please" make it more inforative, otherwise a mod (likly to be creaky) will be getting annoyed :p

    Sounds like there might be a short circuit somewhere, check for debris or damage to ribbon cables, if that fails your going to have to go round the circuit with checking the points with a metre. There are some fuses near the power area which are known to blow when doing things such as FlashMe, so maybe check those too.

    MUNKYEARS Regular member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    you better check because the repair is not going to be worth doing then ur mate is going to make u pay

    start off using a multimetre like the chrismas poo said to do to u
    (hey that rhymes,lol) have you soldered anything? tried overclocking it? try the new screen in another working ds and do not alter anything but the screen and try it if you have not got another ds sell it to a pc technician/engineer like me who fixes all consoles i will pay considerable amounts for parts and i will even pay the shippin aren't i kind lol

    and ask ur mate if he still has the warranty if he has then ring nintendo and they will send a box for it to be shipped to them and they will fix it for free onyl with warrenty AND proof of warrenty.

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