I've been having this problem for a while and I hope some of you might help me. I like to frequent sites quickly and have everything save on the history part on the left of the browser (temporary internet files) so i can read all of the sites offline and therefore not occupay my phone line too long. Well, recentely everything I copy stays on the computer but then the next day it's all gone! It used to stay stored for at least a few days.. I now put "never" in the check for newer stored pages section, but that just makes it so everytime I go online nothing is updated to it's current day. What's the default setting for this anyways? Does that heve to do with this problem at all?
If you have saved the websites on your hard disc they would be in a folder you have saved them too. But if your talking about Temp files that automatically get stoored all u need to do is go to internet properties and click on delete files and the cookies button and this will get rid of any unnescarry internet files. Also you can use what ddp suggested ccleaner or Easy Cleaner Here are the links. 1.http://www.ccleaner.com/ 2.http://personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts/ecleane.htm Good Luck
See the thing is I do not want to get rid of them. I want them to stay stored on my comp more than one week like they used to so I can read offline.
Reasons for your history being cleared could be because of your browser, for example if your using firefox, you can adjust settings so everything is cleared everytime you exit the browser, it could be a firewall, I know Zone Alarm have "privacy service" which erases tracks, real time anti spyware programs tend to do the same occasionally, it can be alot of things actually...I'd imagine if you do not know of any programs that could be causing it, it's likely to be a feature in some of your software, what browser, firewall, anti spyware (and anything else thats running in real time that could be the cause)are you using??
Well to make sure u have them stored for ofline use save the site in an folder seprate of the temp folder. Create another dolder e.g. C:\My Internet Files Save them here and let the computer still do what it does automatically. Also make sure u click the avalable ofline box so that you can read the site ofline.