Terribly slow download speed after installing Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Huskie, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. Huskie

    Huskie Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    Hey everyone, I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on my machine, it meets all requirements for that, and it is now working much faster than it did under my x86 windows XP. Except for one thing that has become incredibly slower: my internet.

    Now I've googled around and tried pretty much every fix around, and am pretty ont he same boat as the guy on this thread: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...-speeds/875dc13c-3965-42ff-89b5-9cd2ca885e9c.

    It's a fresh install. Fixes I've tried so far:

    -Disabled ipv6
    -Drivers are up to date (Linksys WUSB54G wireless adapter, in fact latest driver is older than windows 7 itself)
    -Registry tweak to make windows get an IP address from router if it fails to generate one for itself (or something like that, forgot the specifics)
    -Disabled Firewall

    I'm absolutely positive that it is not a problem in my network itself, since other computers that connect to it still get their usual speed both for browsing and downloading.

    Now admittedly, right after installing both my browsing and downloading speed were very low, but after applying those changes and restarting my PC, my browsing speed did go back to normal, but my download speed still seems capped at ~15kB/s.

    On the thread I linked, the person with the problem said his PSU was to blame for his terrible download speed and I suspect it might be my case as well, since when I built this PC, the PSU output was at the lowest limit for the PC to work.

    However, I'd like to know if there's any other possible tweaks I could try before going out and shelling out money for a better PSU. Also I'd like to know if there's an app or something I could run to verify if my PSU is at it's limit.

    Also very open to other suggestions, as long as it's not the usual stuff like making sure it's not my drivers, or internet connection which I'm positive it is not.

    P.S.: on a sidenote, I downloaded Nightly browser(64-bit version of Firefox) and I can't install a flash player on it no matter what (yes I am downloading the one meant for Firefox, not IE).
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    can you connect to the router via ethernet cable & disable the wireless card in device manager to see if speed goes to normal & able to install flash player?
  3. Huskie

    Huskie Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    Actually the issue has been solved now.

    I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that while I was looking for all those technical solutions, I didn't know that resetting your wireless router was necessary so that it recognized your computer's new OS and stopped blocking your downloads allowing you only basic HTTP functions.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i use both wired & wireless routers & i can add any computer on them without resetting the router.

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