thank you all- but I still have questions

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by nuburn619, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. nuburn619

    nuburn619 Guest

    First off I'm still new to the game.Please excuse me if I'm using the wrong room. I just want to let you all know that I thank you. I've read the forum rules so I get a little better understanding on how to use the rooms. Lately I've been doing a lot of reading here and yes you're right sometimes your question is answered. Thank you scuba pete,sophocles,nephillim,brobear,bigorange to name a few. Now to my question. I am presently using anydvd with roxio easy dvd creator 6. Results are good so far but I do notice that a lot of people here don't like it. Am I wrong for using this combination.Also I have nero 6 but I didn't install it.In the very near future I plan on buying either clonedvd,intervideo copy dvd 2 or instantcopy 8. Which one of these is the best to use with anydvd? Do I have to uninstall roxio to use any of them? Can I have all 3 without conflicting problems? From reading scuba petes' recipe I looks like its nice to have variety. Oh yeah I do have the latest dvdshrink and dvdecrypter. Computer: Athlon xp 2800+ ,320GB HD,512MB TDK1280B NEC2510.
  2. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    nuburn, 1st off, welcome to AD!

    If you have nero Ultra 6, I would install it. Awesome program-so many great apps in both audio and video. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work well with Roxio. I would leave it unless it causes problems, but be forewarned.

    Roxio doesn't seem to have problems with anything else(to my knowledge, I am NOT a Roxio fan)

    I love Intervideo DVDCopy 2-79.00 and Pinnacle InstantCopy 8-25.00. That may make a decision for you right there. lol

    DVDCopy 2 is fast, I mean FAST. It does, however, have some white pixelation problems. Not all the time, mind you, but sporadically. Quality is excellent.

    InstantCopy 8 is also excellent quality, not near as fast. Re-authoring is kinda weak, sometimes it can cause skipping or stuttering- only after large amts. of re-authoring.. Again, like DVDCopy 2, sporadically, not often.

    All of these 3 retain menu function after re-authoring, another feature I am big on. I like a working menu and some extras. That's just me, each to his own.

    These two, along with Nero, are my favorite apps (with the exception of Rebuilder/CCE, something I wouldn't recommend for a beginner until he gets his feet wet). You already have nero, try recode for copying DVD's and nerovision express for file conversion and creating your own menu for those files . It also has a very good dvd cover app.

    good luck...

  3. nuburn619

    nuburn619 Guest

    thank you bigorange. I'm going to uninstall roxio and try the nero for awhile. Do instantcopy,nero,dvdcopy2 work with anydvd
  4. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Yes, all 3 work with Anydvd. They will also work with decrypter, rip in file mode to your HD, then use those files.

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