First off, I want to say thanks to drchips, ScubaPete, Herbsman and those others who continually posted to my "Any Known Nero Conflicts" thread. Now at this point, I still haven't gotten Nero to work but one point was made that the version of RecordNow Max I had didn't recognize my DVD burner. I've since got the updated version and I'm burning away!! Again thanks for the help and I have highly recommeded this forum to people who are just getting into DVD burning.
Well, I guess my work here is done, time to climb aboard Ole' Paint (makin' sure I've got a pocket full "O" quarters) and mosey on out of town - "Click, click Ole' Boy," Sez me, (Climb'en on up in the saddle and wheelin' my horsey around) (Tossing in 3 quarters to get started) clip, clop, clippity, clop - Goin' ta mosey down Mexico way, hook up with my old compdrays, "Fast" Frankie, "Knowledgeable" Jerry, and "Doc Speed", fastest fingers in the old West, - clip, clop, clippty, clop, clippity-lippity clop - Yep, We got places to go and people to see and peoples ta help bail out “o” trouble, ( ‘sides that, it’s time - “we’re movin’ on up to the East side, finally goina get a piece “O” pie” - (Clip, clop, clippity, clop, clippity-lippity clop-su-clop ) We leave behind people like Bruinguy , up-comin', and other free wheelin’, free thinkin' newbies able to take their next step on their own - (clippity-lippity clop, clop, clippty, clop-de-Wop, Wop-clop) (Petes-ter’s riddin’ an Italian Stallion) "Giddie Up, Ole' Paint" (tossin' in a few more quarters) clippity, clippity, - Serendipity, Clippity-Lippity Clop Slop - Clippity, Dlippity, - -Rippity, - Sliperity- Serendipity (Yea, that too), Clop, Dop, Lippity-Cippity clop-de-Clop, Slop-de-Flippity-Flop-(ole’ “Doc’s” horsey thought he was a fish) clip, - - - - “Yo Doc, watch those river crossin’s” - LOL - - Clop -de -Clop - and more stuff, like that - - de ole’ Petes-ter