i am completely new to dvd burning having recently got one. so far i have checked your guides and thought that i would have a successful burn. i was wrong. i have tried to burn four times and have, you guessed it four coasters. im starting to get annoyed now. i am currently using NASHUA brand DVD-R discs, is it the discs? i wanted to backup a copy of Band of Brothers Disc 1. so far i have installed dvd shrink, dvd decrypter and nero. first i inserted the dvd in and opened dvd shrink. i took out the unneccasery stuff, i kind of understand that bit. i was left with two folders, audio and video. i opened nero up and added the video files. i then burned the disc. it said that the burn was successful but when i try to play the dvd nothing happens. do i need to use dvd decrypter? do i need to change the speed in nero? or any settings in nero for that matter? im sorry to be such an idiot but i am completley stuck!
did you try to play it in your burner or a stand alone player? did you let shrink control nero to do the burn. that is the easiest. should be instructions in the guides to do this
Just becareful using re-author mode. Removing tooo much can actually be bad, especially with audio. Re-authoring in Shrink will also disable the menu function. If you've got Nero, use Nero's info tool to get the manufactures name(I've haven't seen that brand). Most recommended brands here are branded Ritek's and branded Verbatims. Signs of poor media is ... Cheap media freezes, skips, pixelats and may refuse to be recognized. I've got a 8x burner and it will burn some 4x media at 8x ... so I like to slow the burn speed back down to 4x or even 2.4x ... Here is a wonderful guide to using Nero to burn(courtesy of Scuba Pete) Which burner did you get? And did you make sure it's firmware is up to date? And like actech asked, does thee burned dvd play in you pc?
cheers for the reply, its really appriciated. i finally got i to work. the previous discs i burned didnt play in anything not even my xbox, pc's dvd drive or standalone dvd player i decrypted it first and saved it to the hard disc, then i used dvd shrink together with nero. i think that i was burning too fast, i lowered it to 2x, it seemed to do the trick. i have decided to use the NASHUA dvds to store some data on as they dont really look the best for dvd backups. il get some verbatim as everyone says there quite good. in dvd shrink what compression rating i am looking for before the quality comes down? i think it was just my stupidity that was making the coasters!
I always keep the comression on auto. To me the quality is great. For longer movies I use DVD Rebuilder w/ CCE Basic($58). BTW, the new DVD Shrink v3.2 is suppose to be out in the next week or two. Should be better
If you keep the compression number above 70% it should look OK, really depends on your viewing equipment and your eyes. I would use deep analysis or just try to get the number up by removing stuff if it is below that. New Shrink! Now that's gonna be a popular download!
Yep, AD is pretty cool, feel free to ask questions or if you think you can help someone, go right ahead! It's the best way to learn! Check out some of the features here. The Glossary is a great place to start as well as the guides section. A person can learn a lot just by snooping around here. Burning DVDs is a good place to start if you are interested in digital video and how all of this actually works. It is a lot of fun, and you will get a good education as well. I think you will find a lot of good folks here that go out of their way to help others. Welcome to Afterdawn trisha69! Cheers, Frank