The Antichrist Possibility

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by In_Chains, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. In_Chains

    In_Chains Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Now the information that i am about to give you is research that I have done in my attemps to relate biblical prophesy with current events in our world today. This information I will be providing is not claimed to be "facts", but an educated guess in who fits the biblical description of the antichrist. I will provide references as to where I got my information, including a bio of the man I believe to be the anitchrist, which contains some interesting facts on Wikipedia.

    Daniel chapters 2 and 7 reveal a strong connection between the formation of the European Union and end-times scripture. The possible fulfillment of this scripture began in 1950 when the Roman Empire began to show signs of being revived.The Brussels Treaty began the process of rebuilding the old Roman Empire through reunification of European states under one political system, one economic system, and eventually under the protection of one military force. The treaty established a commission, council, parliament, and court for the union. The revived Roman Empire prophesied in the Bible was well on its way to becoming a reality. As there as it states in the bible about the 10 horns on the beast "More states were added to this growing union in 1973, 1981, and 1986, making up the 10 permanent member states of today’s European Union." Also that the anitchrist would rise out of the 11. (It just so happens that Spain was the 11th country to join and this will have relevence in the following paragraphs below)

    Now it's time to reveal the name, Javier Solana (Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga) born in Madrid, Spain(the 11th country to join the EU) in 1942. He is the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Secretary-General of both the Council of the European Union (EU) and the Western European Union (WEU). Which are the 3 highest positions that can be held. A task like this is usually next to impossible. There are many people and many sites that truly believe that he is the antichrist and I will give you these reasons.

    Now The main basis for these allegations seems to be paragraph 666 of the 1998 EU General Report [1] and WEU Assembly Recommendation 666 [1]. (As detailed in Number of the Beast, 666 is a powerfully significant number). The first paragraph discusses the office of the High Representative, although it does not refer to Solana by name. Specifically, it states "In December (1998) the Vienna European Council expressed the opinion that the Secretary-General of the Council and High Representative for the CFSP should be appointed as soon as possible and be a personality with a strong political profile". Meanwhile, paragraph 666 of the WEU Assembly Recommendation contains the text "(The Assembly) (recommends that the council) support proposals for the WEU Secretary-General and CFSP High Representative to preside over the PSC and civilian crisis-management machinery and give him powers to convene the Council of the European Union in the event of an emergency".

    Here are some facts with biblical references:

    He will head a 10 nation federation (Daniel 7:24). He is Secretary General of the WEU, the military arm of the EU, which is comprised of the 10 original member countries that signed the Treaty of Brussels. 5 These are the only nations of the WEU that have official member status. Other nations have different statuses 6 within the WEU.

    He will confirm a covenant with many nations for 7 years, and break it in the middle of those years (Daniel 9:27). Solana’s European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) is to last from 2007-2013, with a mid-term review period, in which the High Representative (currently Javier Solana) will be involved. Sixteen nations 12 have signed up, including Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Israel signed up in December 2004. 13 All countries will have their agreements confirmed on January 1st, 2007. The ENP’s prime aim is to bring security and political control to Europe’s borders. The ENP might very well be the covenant that triggers the start of the tribulation.

    He will use peace to destroy many (Daniel 8:25). Javier Solana has been involved in various peace agreements, including being a primary architect of the “Roadmap for Peace”, a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 8 He has stated that one of the rationales for building the European Union into a global power is “to extend the zone of peace and prosperity across [the] continent [of Europe].”

    He will put a stop to sacrifices made in Israel’s temple in the middle of the seven years (Daniel 9:27). A centerpiece of the Jewish temple services pertains to animal sacrifices. Part of the EU’s seven-year budget for external actions will be directed at what is called “thematic strategies.” Among these strategies will include an action plan geared at bringing the participating nations in line with EU standards on animal welfare. 14 The date that these new standards are to be established is 2010. That date happens to coincide with the middle of the seven year period of the European Neighborhood Policy. Animal welfare standards may be the tool used to compel Israel to stop making sacrifices in their temple in the middle of the seven years.

    Now i dont want to make this thread to long so I provide the references below if you are further interested in learnign more.
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    NO offence dude but why do you keep making ponitless threads about nothing it kind a gets annoying
  3. In_Chains

    In_Chains Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Please keep in mind that I am not saying that this guy is definately the antichrist, but that again it is an educated guess and that he fits the description pretty damn good. I have no problem providig further information and debating the facts. All I ask is that we keep this in a mature manner. Thank you
  4. In_Chains

    In_Chains Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    No offence to cool4u, but this is the "Other" topics section and if you have a problem dont read it then.
  5. In_Chains

    In_Chains Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    I also think that this issue has relevence for those who are interested in this sort of topic.
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Are you going to tell me that when I tell you to knock off all the pointless threads? This forum isn't for bored social commentators to fill up.
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  8. In_Chains

    In_Chains Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Well Neph I thought this forum was for "All other topics" which says
    "All the discussion that doesn't fit into other forums goes here" Hmmm, seems like this would be classified as others,unless I am wrong? I do recall the Kurt Cobain thread getting a lot of replies though,so even if it may be pointless in your eyes maybe it is not to others! I am sure there are people who will read through this thread and find it interesting and maybe Neph, they might just even look up the information provided on the links believe it or not. Now as for Ireland, if I would have seen the 6,6,06 I would have defiantely posted it there. Thank you though for letting me know about that thread as "I find it interesting". And to answer your question Neph, yes, if you dont like it then dont read it.
  9. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest


    I don't think that was the right answer...You might of just earned yourself with a vacation right there..but i don't know
  10. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Won't have to read any more of it now.
  11. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Another demise at the hands of the master of quick, painless executions :-D
  12. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    We got complaints about this thread and the shotgun loser one too. I don't have time for wise guys either.
  13. svtstang

    svtstang Regular member

    Apr 23, 2006
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    LOL, not sure how i found this thread, but im kinda feeling bad for u In_Chains. Dont u have anything better to do then interperate "biblical prophesy" on a tech site?? Sure there are more appropriate sites where u can preach;) by by
  14. kzm007

    kzm007 Regular member

    Jun 2, 2006
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    Good call, mod. I heard his soul being crushed. It's like throwing a seagull into a jet propeller...

    And how about Zarqawi? Damn, I knew we'd get him. Nothing will change much, but I still can't believe it. You think Osama's dead? And don't tell me no just because he made a tape. Hitler had a double too:

    Why wouldn't the image show?

    LOL sorry I'm so random. I've been sick and half-dead for three days. I'm beginning to grow mold...
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2006
  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    slam,bang,boom,kill in and out in a flash,

  16. In_Chains

    In_Chains Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Well, to be exact "I was sharing it for those who had interest of it" and how it related to "biblical prophesy" dont worry svtstang, I wasnt trying to peach a sermon :p Also thats why it's in the safety valve ;)

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