Hello everybody, My question is wich model is the best DVD burner, is it still Plextor or is it BenQ? Can you provide the model numbers as i am building my next PC wich will be used for editing no gaming. Thanks everbody have a nice day
BenQ 1640 / 1650 / 1655 Pioneer 110 super multi LG 4167B super multi These listed above are all very good DVD RE-Writers that will give you quality burns.
Hi there, I just ordered myself a new DVD burner, and it has arrived today. I stopped my choice on the NEC ND-3550a. I was also looking at the LG-4167b Again, Plextor are a little bit more expensive, but seems worth every dollar, and BenQ, I only hear good from them. I know I haven't really helped, but basicly, they are all pretty good drives, and pick one that has features that YOU want. Why did *I* pick the NEC ND-3550a ? I currently own a Dell OEM NEC-3450a and I am 100% pleased with it. But it's RIPLOCKED, and doesn't support Dual Layer DVD-R media. It doesn't booktype DVD+R DL to DVD-ROM but the 3550a does. It doesn't support PI/PO Scanning, but the 3550a does. Only sees my 16x media as 8x (Not a real problem since I never burn above 4x anyway) Good shopping...
I've got the LG you mentioned: works super great Only thing is that it doesn't scan. Which means that you can't use a disc quality check like Nero CD/DVD Speed. Happy hunting. I'm looking myself and am leaning towards the BenQ's.
How true catfreak! <G> A sample of a burn done on a BenQ1640 which cost $40. Never below 97 and most at 99-100!
I doubt that any other burner can record a 4.46GB DVD with fewer than 500 PI errors and less than 40 PI failures ... and with a BenQ, it's pretty typical ... Remember, the Q in BenQ stands for QUALITY !! I can't wait for the DW1650 to be released in the good ole USofA .. gonna get me a couple at any cost
Hey guys, I finally received my NEC-3550a that does PI/PO Scanning. I need to do more tests, but here is a question based on 1 test I have made. I scanned a media with DvdInfoPro v4.50, and the same one with Nero CD Speed v4.10 Both gave me a different quality result. In your experience, and opinion, is one of these better than the other one ? Which one should I trust more ? My NEC-3550a doesn't scan properly ? Thanks...
cougar_ii Were they quick scans vs full? and what were the score differences? My Asus1604=P would get terrible PI error results but great PI Failure results using Nero scanning software. My BenQ1640 with the same media burnt in the Asus would return different results as well, much better in fact. These readings are the software's views of how the Reader is viewing the media, not just the actual quality of the media itself. So which ever scan seems to be more consistent with the way your media plays, then I would suggest that scanning software. In the case of NEC burners it might be DVDInfoPro.