I am just wondering what is software preferece for the highest quality DvD back-ups? I have been using DvD Shrink and then DvD Decrypter but majority of the time when watching the movies I seem to have certain video quality issues. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
I use smartripper and Nero and get great quality from these two.These are my prefered software but i do use shrink as well which i also get great quality from.If your using shrink just change your settings to get quality enhance if your looking more for quality than speed. John179
DVD Shrink and Nero, although some DVD's can be ripped with DVD Decrypter and burnt straight with Nero
Here's another good one: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/88038 IMO ... I don't think the problem is with Shrink or Decrypter. Can you explain a bit more what quality issues you have? What brand of media are you using? Are you using Decrypter to burn? http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial.cfm
The best-DVDRebuilder/CCE Next best-Intervideo DVDCopy2 and Pinnacle InstantCopy 8 After that-Nero Recode and Shrink
Hi all. I think we all agree this is a very subjective matter, and highly dependent on the viewing equipment used and the quality/bitrate of the original title. jeph2k3, what version of DVD Shrink have you been using? If v3.2, I'd advise you to try its new "Quality Options" and Deep Analysis. This will noticeably improve its output quality. If v3.1.7 or earlier versions, I'd suggest you update to v3.2. In any case, I'd also suggest you do movie-only backups (using its Re-author mode) unless you can't live without menus and/or extras. If you're still not satisfied the other option would be to use a front-end for CCE. To maximise the movie quality you could go for DVD2DVD-R/CCE (movie-only). If you want menus and extras, DVD Rebuilder/CCE. As far as transcoders are concerned, DVD Shrink is in my opinion the best available at the moment (whether you take its price into consideration or not). - quality of output. - flexibility. - ripping facility. - simple re-authoring options. Other transcoders might be able to equal it in quality, sometimes with noticeably shorter processing times. However, none will do it as consistently as it does, regardless of the quality/bitrate of the original title or level of compression applied. In all the tests I have conducted while beta-testing v3.2.0.15, DVD Shrink was never bettered by Instant Copy 2, DVD2One 1.5, DVDCopy2. Nero Recode was not included in these tests as it is on-par with DVD Shrink v3.1.7, and noticeably inferior to v3.2 at compression > 80% or thereabout. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small] For DVD Shrink and related softwares guides and information, please visit http://www.dvdshrink.info[/small]
jeph, this has been rehashed to death because as dd said of it's highly subjective nature. I also tested the new shrink against DVDCopy 2, IC 8(i'm not familiar with IC 2), and DVD2one, I'm so sick of LOTR-ROTK and Merlin I'll never watch them again! I tested my findings on a 56"Mitsibishi HDTV with split screen and 3x zoom(400%). The new shrink is vastly improved and I use it much more than I ever did, and the price is untouchable. Craig from Nero says Recode is about to undergo a major change(I'm not surprised considering who went to work for them). DVDCopy 2 has pixelation problems with older movies, but with new ones is impeccable and it's speed is shocking, 30-45 minutes! IC 8 has editing problems, but used with DVDremake is hard to beat quality wise, extremely sharp pictue. If you notice, the one all agree on is DVDRebuilder/CCE, it's always ranked 1st, time is a factor 3-4 hours.The CCE basic engine is the same one in the 2,000.00 CCE SP. Here is a thread that discusses this for as long as you want to read. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/88038 good luck however you go. . _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHW 832S dual layer[/small]