worked hard on this 1 and finally got it right any suggestions>? thanks grukh[sorry idk ur name properly]DANO and every1 else>>>>!!!!
yh nexton that 1z cool all u guys are learning how to do sigs i want to learn and nexton how did you get that wii thing how do you get them bars that say stuff like wii owner and psp thing??
please use the safety valve for stuff like this,as a mod will probally close it as its nothing to do with psp.
Nice sig nexton but it is STILL too check the size right click on your sig. Remember it must be under 50k. [edit] [bold]HOLY FREAKING CRAP[/bold] right click your sig dev2k
It's ok just didn't want you to get banned for something that silly I guess [edit]@devz2k btw I think that was a record