I have a new Dell computer 3ghz processor 512mb memory, 160Gb hard drive, but now I want a video card that will allow me to watch TV and record etc. I have a PCI connection and All I have found that is out there for video cards is AGP connection. What is the best card for the money to allow me to watch tv, record, connect my vcr or digital camcorder to, and just have all around awesome video on my computer. A remote would be nice also. thanks in advance, Chet
First, you don't need another video card to do what you want to do. I have a Hauppauge WinTV PVR - 350 capture card that does what you want to do. There are many different types/brands out there. Do a google search to find cards or hardware that best fits your needs.
there are also pci video cards, but AGP is faster than those cards....but the new cards now the PCI-Expressx16 cards are twice as fast as AGP....but yor Motherbaord must have PCI-E slots....you can find these cards on sites like Tigerdirect.com
jaydeeX3, i think pci-e 16x is same as agp 8x. 16x32mhz=512mhz 8x66mhz=528mhz so agp is 16mhz faster than pci-e 16
u sure DDP....everywhere ive read say that the new PCI-Ex16 technology is twice as fast as AGP....post back with link to show me where it says they are the same...
the difference is the transfer rate as pci/e has a higher rate than agp http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,115397,00.asp
AGP slots can deliver only 25 watts. But faster cards often need more wattage, so they'll take up an extra slot to draw more power. PCI-E slots provide 75 watts, three times as much. So expect graphics cards to be super speedy..... heres what im tlaking about DDP......this statement exactly.....ive seen other ones too....
I think I'm going to go with the wintv 350. I should of just had dell install one when I bought the computer...Oh well, that card should work well since I already have windows media center. thanks for all the help everyone Chet
@ ddp - advantage of pci-e express is capable of running dual video cards, nobody mentioned it so thought i'd remind you. The industry is going to move comletly towards Pci-e in the next year or so, if i was buying a video card at the moment i'd invest the bit more and go for pci-e. At least that way in a years time(or maybe two) when games start appearing with recomended 2 video cards your not going to kick yourself. Just my take on it. EDIT >realise orignal post said nothing about games so this is just general statement not directed at buttchet
able to run dual video cards before either both pci or agp & pci video besides videocards having dual video outputs