The best Xbox mod chip?

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by craven, Feb 22, 2003.

  1. craven

    craven Guest

    What mod chip should I buy? I don't care so much about soldering as I do about the number of steps involved to get things running. Is the process of getting the chips to work the same on all the mod chips or is there one that makes things much easier?





  2. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    I would have to say the Xecuter or XecuterLite. As these are the people who release "usuable" code for some of the other modchips i.e. Matrix.
  3. seamonkey

    seamonkey Regular member

    Nov 3, 2002
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    i am a non-solder man, so i like the matrix.

    the matrix takes about 6 steps or so to get it going.
    1. flashing the bios on the matrix chip before installation

    2. opening up teh xbox
    3. installing/aligning the matrix chip on the xbox's motherboard
    4. make a boot cd-rw of evolution x dashboard
    5. (optional) installing the evolution x dashboard to your xbox's harddrive so you don't have to boot with the evovlutino x dashboard

    -advanced: xbox harddrive replacement, dvd drive replacement, case mods, and more...

    hope that helps ya out!
  4. craven

    craven Guest

    I'm a little confused about something! Is installing the evolution x dashboard required to get backups to work? Or is it just a cool little extra?

    I was told that if I bought X ecuter2 Lite and installed it that all I would have to do is just burn a copy of the game from an image on my hard drive onto either a cd-r or dvd-r. Then I could play my backups on the X Box.

    I have read the other posts but being a newbie I got lost.
  5. hoppers

    hoppers Regular member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    craven, while this is not the best place for you to ask this, you are right. to play your backups you do not need evolutionX just burn them to disk and play away..

    OH, and Best Chip........

    Xecutor2, or a clone of it!!!!
  6. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

  7. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    is this like the first post for xbox general discussion
  8. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

  9. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    u should try softmoding
  10. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    its a lot easier
  11. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    u dont even have to open ur xbox
  12. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    also its cheap
  13. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    if anyone wants a tut on how to do it pm me or check out my blog

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