The BOX PVR - recording issues - new firmware?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by dawn1001, May 29, 2008.

  1. dawn1001

    dawn1001 Member

    May 29, 2008
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    I am running firmware v4.506 on Starview's the BOX PVR.
    Recording fails a good percentage of the time.
    When you try to view the recorded program - screen just stays as it was - it looks like it attempts to playback the file - but just does not manage it!

    I know I am not the only person with this issue.
    Anyone out there know if this problem has ever been resolved on a particular version of firmware?
    If so what version and where can I get it?

  2. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    The version seems ok AFAIK

    Try this and see if it helps


    To start with you need the loop cable in between the two tuners.
    First make sure you put the main cable supply input into the correct socket at the back ( there are 6 in all, so easy to get wrong ) the 4 together are the important ones. You need a short loop cable maybe supplied with your box. Top right = Main cable in, top left = Tuner 1 loop cable out, Bottom right = Tuner 2 loop cable input. Bottom left = empty.
    Then set one channel recording by pressing the red record button on your remote(3rd up from bottom on right) then change channel and watch or press record the other. Press the i (info) button on remote and this will show you on screen top to what is being recorded. Top right = tuner 1 top left = tuner 2. You can also set the timer recording via EPG on two channels at the same time.

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