Hi i am having problems with the way my pvr is working hope a new firmware can sort out some problems. 1. When you set a recording on a channel the box changes to that channel and you have to go back to what you was watching. It doesn't just record it while you watch the channel you are on. 2. If you pause live tv and start playing it back if a recording starts you loose the buffer paused. 3. when you record a film over 1 hour long it splits it into 2 recordings, Ok when you watch it, it plays it back as one but jumps on the join. When it splits the times every recording are different. 4. The EPG is hit and miss some times you get it but if you go backward through the day up to 7 hours it is there but not forward what use is programs that have finished. 5. When you are recording a channel you cant use the EPG comes up INFO Not Allowed While HDD mode. 6. Whilst you are recording something you can not go into HDD and watch something else These features work on my other pvrs i have hopefully a new firmware could iron out some of these problems because this box has the good side of recording s** sp**** 1 and 2 at the same time.
Hi, I am having all the same problems as you have and i have been told the only way is the 2008 software will sort it out, but dont know were to get it. Is`nt it so frustrating when trying to do the things it should do.