Have you been missing it for long as said it does not broadcast 24/7. You can try a manual scan on 386000 using 6875 as symbol rate. BTW what firmware do you have on the box is it version 4.50.
Right firmware alright as I said it may not be broadcasting at the minute but I cannot verify that as I am not at home at the moment. You could try the manual scan but it may start after 6pm . As said the Set**t* channels are on the same frequency and you have those. Rangers TV is there as well but is supposed to be replaced by LFC TV tomorrow, on N** anyway. Sorry have to head hope thats enough info for you.
Stew, thanks for verifying it on, thats N**s frequency you have quoted. Ghl is on Ch**** and thats why the frequency and symbol rate I gave is different.
You did Stew you verified that it was on and so we now know it is a case of just doing a manual scan to get it back. I am heading for the hills so please do continue
still no celtic or rangers tv not even on list should i do a reinstall or does anybody have freq and s/r for c*****