Anyone else run into difficulty trying to decrypt The Dictator? I'm using DVDFab and it won't work. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!
update to 2.0.1 beta & try again or use anydvd use link that says Download latest beta version
I haven't tried it yet.You can go to their website and send them an e-mail and they will give you a reply.
thanks!!! I downloaded the trial version of anydvd just to try and I think it worked (fingers crossed)...
I downloaded the newest Beta Version of DVDFab from the link up above and still could not copy The Dictator. Looks like it might correct the issues I was having with The Hunger Games, though.
At the moment, there exists a known problem with this title. Temporary fix is to disable PathPlayer; an update should be available shortly.
Just downloaded the latest version of DVDFab ( and the "what's new" notepad file claimed that fixes were instituted specifically for The Dictator and Hunger Games. Now I just have to go rent The Dictator again to try it....... Good luck, swammies !!
I ripped it twice with DVDFab 3 and 4 and it worked fine. Do it twice, then use DVDShrink to reapportion it. I did get twice the MB size, and the chapters repeat once, but you can fast forward it to the next.
I don't have the DVD any more, only the 2-DVD transfer, and that does transfer again any differently with the rip I did. If I get the DVD again I will re-try it--thanks!
I updated anydvd and everything works great. After ripping it to the HD, open shrink, then burn with imgburn, works like a charm, no issues. Hope this helps