Seeing as how my drunken revalry sparked something of a coo here on aD, I have decided to officially create the drunken thread! Post here when drunk then come back the next day to get humbled! Now, pour yourself a drink, then tip the bottle and when you're praying to the porcelain god later, just tell yourself, "there was at least one drink of that bottle i didn't consume"_X_X_X_X_X_[small]~Life is a liquid dream...let it flow! Carpe Diam, Quam Minimum Credula Postero![/small]
Nice idea, have a look at some previous efforts And this one, which I am particularly proud of : Paul [anonymous edit : Can you believe this guy is a mod?]
It was an 'interesting' period in my life. The scene in behind the computer was colourful also. Paul.
I am Drunk most of the time! What's the best Drink out there? My votes are Bushmills Irish wiskey (straight), St Remy Brandy, and Bailey's with Ice cream.
nik99 Absolute? do you also like sunnyD? Sorry very bad experience with absolute. Always liked Stolichnaya for vodka, as I think vodka should be smooth and not punch you in the face. Smirnoff is just poison! Tia Maria is good, but the cream tia maria in coffe is really good. Almost all the hard stuff I have sampled. I like it straight, smooth and without ice. Funny though, I do like Jack Dannies Smoke mesh Whiskey. Probally because it was my ice tea in high school, I really needed to cut the edge off English class. Shakspire is good after 300mL. Any good Drinking stories?
Vodka : Zubrovka and Stolichnaya Whisky : Single Malt, no ice, ever. (Scots say the only things to put in Whisky is more whisky) Bailey's : You have got to be kidding! Tequila : Patron Paul
hey prisoner,,wats sunnyd..? luv stolin..too but love the way absolut lays low for a couple of pegs..and then rears up and give s u one solid punch suddenly.. as for drunk stories loads of them and one near death u sumtime..when im loaded..agree with u on the whisky part..have given u p whisky and rum though..many years..
Sunny D is Sunny delight. You must not be in the USA or Canada. This is vial orange drink liquid that tries to be orange juice, but isn`t and needs to add Vitamin C and additives to taste similar to MacDonald`s Orange drink. Loaded what`s the problem with Baileys? Sure its light creamy and typically a chick drink, but straight, in coffee or with milk its a balanced part of any breakfast. I viewed thread 6915 and must say that was one of the funnies things I have read. I really hate french Canadian Keyboards and keeping geting éééÉ most of the time with ^¨:`É'|¸
GOt totally kayoed last night on Tequilas..and like dela said above ...cudnt get onto to the forum..cudnt remember my passwd... man..had just reformatted yday.. bad trip...any one got majorly sloshed on tequila??
I'm really drunk. I just had 21 consecutive shots in under ninetey minuts~~~~~~~! BaDDer santa is the best drinking movie ever! rUEle: Every time they take a shot, you take a shot. Even when she sips her screwdrivber! Then when the movie is over, toast a shot to yourself(s), after that, have three more straight, so that you're legal drinking age!~ WewT!!!!!! Pwbnzoerzez!