This may not be a subject fit for Afterdawn, but, there seems to be a need for clarification. The British Government is charging us poor saps even more, in an effort to clean up the environment. That is good. Unfortunately, they do not seem to be clear as to what they are actually going to do with the extra money. For example, who will be in charge of the clean up? What methods will they use to do this cleaning? Unless there is a definite program, it will seem as yet another way of scamming more money off the people.
I agree with you totally,however i'll say no more on the subject as this will turn political and its not allowed here.
Ah yes, two different governments ... brit and u.s. but the same thieving mentality. They do that with "Social Security" in the U.S. Social Security is, for an easy though not exact term, a "pension plan" we pay a tax for to sustain us when we're elderly. Administrations, regardless of political party, ALWAYS take this money for other things but what it was intended for, then they moan and groan that the fund is broke and there isn't enough money to care for the serior citizens. Seems they're crooks on both sides of the pond.