last night i encoded a 700mb avi to dvd using cce and the filmmachine. I let it go at about 10:00pm and woke up at 8:00am and cce was only halfway done with the second pass. i figured if i left it running all day today it might be done but i shut it down it was taking to long. My question is. does this usually take this long? if it does it is not even worth it to me, or maybe i have to get a faster computer. i know i can convert avi to dvd with dvd santa in like 4 hours. I am running win xp with 518mhz, 448mbs of ram
518mhz? I would just use 1 pass with CCE if I were you. It will probably still be far better quality the DVD Santa.
ok i will try one pass tonight i tried 4 last night i just hope one pass will be done while i am sleeping. this is actually a little test i am doing to compare to dvd santa. i already have it encoaded with dvd santa and i wand to see the diference. i seem to be happy with the work that dvd santa does but i have not did a video with cce yet ill let you know how i make out