Hi all, could you help? i have Nero 7 lultra and have had no problems burning dvds off over the last 5 months. today i tried to burn off a film and kept getting this error the instruction at "0x0052f1e4" refeenced memory at "0x00000004" the memory could not not be "read I uninstalled Nero 7 Ultra, rebooted and reinstalled it again. It get shalf way through creating tables structures etc and i get an error message above. I have over 50gb of spaec on my HD and nothing is using the file im trying to burn whilst im doing it. Any ideas whats causing this plz?
Thanks for reponse, When the error comes up, i dont get an error log like i used to, when it used to say do you want to save the error log? now i just get a Hault box with that error message in it, option to close the box down and thats it
~Message Posted Amidst Above Posts~ Utilize Nero 7 Clean Tool to perform a spotless uninstallation; keep your serial key close at hand. Afterwards, install Nero 7 Ultra's finite verion. Now work on the same project, and see what happens. If you receive the same slip-up, come back with the Nero log.
thanks, ive uninstalled it with clean tool but need to download Nero 7 • Update which is 332mg.. @ 18kb/a sec :0 on my 20mg connection?? i'll leave it running and let you know what happens thanks again
ok, gave up at 63% of nero update download which was constant at 13kb a sec.. uninstalled Nero and ran clean tool 2 times... Reinstalled another version of nero and was able to run same script/file/film without any probs thanks for your help..
I got a freebie with my mums new machine but she thinks a dvd tray is for holding a cup so i took it lol. Its called Nero 7 Ultra Edition Enhanced my other disc i binned..