ok, i wanna hear it, and i mean all the games, from the Commodore 64 till now. What is the longest game you ever played? I know a lot of you will say Marrowind or Oblivion or Final Fantasy, but i wanna hear something that is different like the game Shadow Man (witch is the greatest game i ever played). If anybody like a 80+ hour adventure game, they should play this. Now let me hear your choices...
Oblivion or Morrowind and now Fallout 3 [my favorite right now] because they all offer mods that can be used to rebuild the game over and over and larger and larger so you never play the same way twice and with the mod makers making new mods daily this will always be true!!!! you may not like these games , but hey you asked for the longest and these are it !!!! except maybe World Of Warcraft it last forever unless you finally get a life and quit playing ......LOL