Why won't the movie "The Messengers" play in my computer or on my stand alone dvd player , but it will play on my dvd recorder. Any help will be appreciated.
I'm having the same problem, EPIC MOVIE did the same thing, after trying on computer a bunch of times it finally read but i can't get THE MESSENGERS to read. Going to try it on another computer today.
Couple of things: (1) Have you switched blank media lately? (2) Have you checked to make sure your firmware version is up-to-date? (3) What type of media are you using? (4) What programs are you using? (5) Is this movie just affected, or are other movies the same way?
I use sony dvd+r...it cant be the discs i use or the programs (shrink, decrypter, ripit4me) the dvd drive just doesn't want to read it, before i get to use the programs and the blank media and i also updated the firmware. I just tried it on another computer and it read THE MESSENGERS fine. The dvd drive that won't read the disc is a (Lite-on lh-16w1p) and the one that reads it fine is a (Lite-on shw-160p6s) both about the same age and both computers are emachines. The wierd thing is EPIC MOVIE did the same thing at first and then it read it without me doing anything to the dvd drive. I have no problems with other dvd's.
I just got a new dvd drive "lite-on lh-20a1p" and still it cant read "The MESSENGERS" others dvd work fine...Dont know whats going on, it sound like its trying to read it
Some reason that movie just doesn't want to work on my computer! Works fine on others. "Same Disc" Iv'e tried 2 dvd drives on my computer and still nothing...don't know what else to do
The computer doesn't read it at all, its like there's no disc in the drive. I open drive, put in disc and sounds like its about to load then it does nothing, but its with that movie only "THE MESSENGERS".
This is going to sound totally weird. The other day I had the same problem. I must have messed with that disc for at least 3 hours. It would not read in my DVD player or my DVD burner on the computer. It also would not read on my stand a lone DVD players. The disc looked absolutely perfect-no scratches, no finger prints. I was walking down the hall and had it at just the right angle under the hall light. It looked like there was a really odd fine film over the entire disc. So I cleaned the disc, put it in my computer and it worked like there had never been a problem. I have never seen anything like this before. That film was not apparent in daylight. That disc looked absolutely perfect, but was dirty. It was brand new-first time out of the case.
now i think about it i bought a gta vice city for ps2 bout 2 or 3 years ago from a walmart and it wouldnt read like this i returned it and they gave me a new one right off the back and it worked fine since then i actually still have it so maybe it was just a bad copy (can u return it at anytime for a new one?)
I cleaned the disc pretty good...but its weird that it plays fine every other place, my sony stand alone dvd player and my sisters computer with the same dvd drive (Lite-On) just a different model. But it wont work on my dvd drives. Mine says theres no disc inside. And both drives are brand new. i guess ill just have to try another "MY MESSENGERS" dvd.
That's a Sony release. Turn off 'Auto Run' for your DVD drive and see if it works. Sony's typically run a little program when loading that makes your drive not read them.
I shut of autorun with "Tweak UI" and still nothing. I also did the hold down the SHIFT button when loading the disc...nothing. It seems the dvd drive gets stuck and then it says "NOT RESPONDING", Before and after i shut of autorun.