The official Pebkac thread

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Rosco404, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    If you work in the computer/IT industry or just have good knowlage in general of the industry then leave your stories of Pebkac incidents (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair)...

    I just had a customer in looking at our CD/DVD Media....

    Customer: Do you have any CD labels..
    Me: Yeah their they are *pointed*
    Customer: *picks up pack and looks* What kind are...
    Me: They are offset lables...
    Customer: So are they round labels...
    Me: *in my head rotflmao and a big grin* Er... well yes they are...

    I should have said they were square! Hehe..

    Another Customer wanting a blutooth adapter...

    Customer: Have you any USB bluetooth adaptors in?
    Me: Yeah sure *i get the two kinds we have to show the customer*
    Customer: Oh..
    Me: Yeah we have 2 kinds, they are both the same but one is for upto 20 Meters and the other upto 100 Meters...
    Customer: Whats the differance..
    Me: ??? :/
    Customer: !!!
    Me: *i explain again what meters are, deep breaths*
    Customer: why would you want upto 100Meters!!
    Me: *Sigh* well some people might want to transfer files or use their phone for upto that distance...
    Customer: *Still ???* Ah Ok then see you later...

    Thats right she never bought one after ive just wasted 15 minutes of my life....

    Ok thats it for now... More soon... : )
  2. DMW

    DMW Regular member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    Well my favourite is the one that everyone I tell thinks I'm making up.

    My colleague built a system for a customer, nothing fancy, completely entry-level. Sold it, customer was happy, end of.

    We thought......

    Customer rings up next day, really unhappy!! He said that his floppy drive didn't work in his system, something like this.....

    Angry customer : Hi, I bought this system yesterday and it has a faulty floppy drive!!
    Me : OK, firstly let me apologise
    Angry customer : *interrupts* I don't want apologies, I want it sorting!!!
    Me : OK sir, no problem, do you get an error on screen?
    Angry customer : No, nothing
    Me : OK, is it reading or writing that causes the error?
    Angry customer : Neither work
    Me : OK, have you tried the disk in another computer?
    Angry customer : Yes, fits fine!!
    Me : *ahhh, he said fits* OK, and it doesn't in the new one?
    Angry customer : NO...THAT'S WHY I'M RINGING!!!
    Me : OK, so the disk doesn't fit, is it definatley a 3.5" PC disk? *trying to avoid sarcasm*
    Angry customer : Yes, it just doesnt fit
    Me : Does it click into place?
    Me : You can do if you like sir, I'm just trying to help you over the phone for you ease. I know this sounds daft, but you are putting it in the right way aren't you? Disk Label upside?
    Angry customer : Yes, I know how they work. I'm bringing it back.....

    I check with my colleague that he tested the drive, just incase, preparing for when our customer came in.

    He arrived in about 15mins and O..M..G
    He put the tower down on our chairs and said
    Angry customer : SEE, HALF WAY IN!!!!

    I had to then tell him, non-sarcastically, that even though his floppy disk was the right way up, his tower wasn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The reason I wanted to cry with laughter was it had a flap on the bottom that dropped open that said USB on the front!!!!
    What did he think it said up-side down?!?!?!?!
  3. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    ROTFLMAO! I know what you mean when they get angry like that! Is it just PC's that people get angry at because they dont know what they are doing and want to blame someone?
    I hate software problems though especially when they ring a few days after they just bought the system and they have compleatly mucked it up... Then having to tell them that software is not covered under warranty and we charge to put it wright (that gets to some people) But its there own fault :? ...
  4. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    This was a wired customer...

    the customer walks in and to the counter a plonks a mechanism thingy down....

    Me: Whats that???
    Customer: Its a pump!
    Me: OOOKKK... (it looked like somthing from a car or somthing)
    Customer: *Points at thingmagiga* Have you got this connecter?
    Me: no sorry we are a PC shop we dont do any of those connecters (it was a funny shape connector)
    customer: Ey? *confused* I thought you would have somthing like it...
    Me: sorry no we dont...
    Customer: Ok, do you know were i could get one?
    Me: *sigh* er no sorry.. (i dont even know what that thingymagiga is!)

    So i sent him to maplins! lol

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