Afterdawn has grown so much since I first signed up, little Toiletman n00b with the outrageous swearing, and the piss on RIAA stance. It has grown so tremendously that the whole "family" atmosphere is lost. NOT, that this is a bad thing. I just miss it. I no longer know who is who, and I can't "keep up" with the personalities. I know this may sound extremely geekish (but hey I am a geek), you can no longer make some "close internet pals" on Afterdawn. Most people might not know what this means, or have felt this loss, but I sure have. =) But... this is not a rant thread. =) We have seen users come and go, and I've been a bit inactive myself, though returning to full duty more and more nowdays. We've seen people being promoted, and we've seen people being banned. We've seen new layouts, and we've seen new features. I just wanted to know who of the original, big posters, Afterdawn family is still here, and if you are, please make an effort to post in here. =) Just for old memories. Thankyou for your time, Toiletman. P.S. Afterdawn was HUGE when I came, can you believe that I've regged here for over a year and have not even paid one visit to the DVD forums? EDIT: Forgot this little tidbit. Some of the original aD members still hang out at IRC. =O PARTEEEH TIME!
hey T-man, I don't know if I original family but I do beleive I created my account about a year after aD was created and I have seen aD grow triple the size it was then. Im still going to be here and hang out at aD buddies helping and asking a family should
I joined in July of this year, and I love this site. Ive learned A LOT and I hope ive taught alot as well. Toiletman, i still see a sense of family (even though im new to the site) between a lot of the top members and especially the addicts.
lol, well, we all know each other online, for the most part. and i think we all get along so, yeah, there's some family left.
I hit the 2 year mark next month. Some of the senior members I remember while a newbie have disappeared, a few are now mods. I agree that most of the sense of family is now gone. Newbies that started with me don't seem to post much anymore. I too am guilty of not posting as much as before. Several times I almost gave up and called it quits on here. The reason being all the useless posts and off topic subjects that always seem to happen even during a thread on a genuine problem. It seems the only reason people post these days is to boost their count. Most threads like that use to be found in the safety valve. Now they are everywhere. One member may ask a question about a burn error and the next thing you know there are 6 pages of posts about everything but the burn error. The mods catch some of these and try to get back on subject but you don't have to look far to find another thread with the same problem. Although the forum is still a great wealth of information it has become more of a chat room where the almighty post count rules. I'm sorry that I'm ranting but in 2 years I have seen the good changes the Admins make under-mined but the members only thinking about the count so they change rank. Page after page of garbage that isn't needed or called for. Toiletman I know how you feel and agree 200% with you. It just isn't the same anymore. Sorry if I offended anyone, this was a blanket statement not aimed at anyone directly. Jerry
I created my first name a little under a year ago and I can tell a huge difference in how it's all change. There is just to many one post rant noobs joining way to much. The site got big enough to where it attracted to many children with hard headed view points on their brands and such and such...
Jerry746 i totally agree with what you have said i often find myself scrolling through post looking at just how far off topic they can get pretty bad. I've been here for over a year now, i can't say i've ever had that family felling but there was a point when ya know all the regulars but there just seems to be so many different people now but hey the family has to grow at some point
Wow! I joined 27th june 2004... I love comming here everyday! I do notice the regulars, but now and again i see so many new names poping up.... : )
yeah man. I used to caht to you guys a little. havnt been around a while but lol Ive been here about 1 year 5 months now...
I know what you mean T, allthough i wasn't there when AD started, i felt like i knew you guys even before i joined up, for i've been lurkin' around AD long long long before my first post, and notice that there are few of the "family" left posting! real shame though!!! (hope they are lurking also, and reading this post) ps, i've been away form AD for a while now, but that's gonna change! l8er m8, cya soon in irc !
Yup Retro PM'd it to me before.. I dunno but you should probably edit your post or the IRC'll flood with leechers saying : "HOW DO I RIPPZ0R5 MY ROXXORING Pr0N DVDS" !
All this talk of new and old members made me go and find out when I first signed up. 8th April 2004 I used to read all the posts for a long time before I signed up. Then it just seemed to get a habit. I remember checking my e-mails one morning and getting 57 of them, and all from Afterdawn. I seem to remember upsetting Geestar20 once with one of my jokey posts in the Safety valve. (Sorry G) P.S. Just noticed I joined 6 days before Auslander. Yay...!!!! But it's right about the irc channel, most of the oldies can be found there. (No offence to ScubaPete about being old. Hehehehe)
Your one of the koolist cats I know agent-k-, I can't get upset with you man. We all miss your posts agent-k-, they are the most entertaining posts I would read. I'll see ya in aD buddies -k-
@Auslander Family is fine thanks, trying to get the eldest one to leave home but she won't go. @geestar20 Thank you for them kind words. You are my new best friend now, hehehe, Nephilims been demoted to second best cos I haven't heard from him in a while. Lol.