his life on this earth brought hope and happiness to millions, I'm sure he will continue to due so on the other side...
Wait a moment... did the Pope die on April's Fools day? Or did he die on the same day the email was sent?
http://in.rediff.com/news/2005/apr/02pope1.htm That has a pretty good description of the papal election process. I am not religious, but I can respect the man who devoted his life to his beliefs and did his best to help others. I didn't agree with all of his mandates and decisions. For example, I think he should have did a helluva lot more about the pedophile priests and bishops than what he did.
retro, I would hope that you are talking about deleting your post about him leaving millions to die. You can't delete the post, but you can edit out all text by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of your post.
yeah thats pretty fucked up man. this was a thread to give thanks to what a great man he was and what he's done for the world. if you have negative comments like that then keep them to yourself
I'm sorry, i didn't mean to disrespect you all, i wrote this thread late at night after having a bad day. I had an catholic upbringing but, i find the views that johannes paulus had, where rigide, there was no room for any for other interpretations! in a time where much has changed,views have to be revised, in order to comply with the general consences.this conservative outlook, has made that many people, turned away from Rome! I believe john paul had his heart in the right place, and he didn't needed to suffer as he did, I hoped that he would pass away peacefully much sooner then he did I wil leave you with that, and in the future i will be more sensitive, posting in religious threads !! sorry if i affended you !!