The Perfect Computer

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by skyman99, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. skyman99

    skyman99 Guest

    K guys. Do you guys think there will ever be a computer one day to NEVER EVER get any errors. Run smoothly all the time, etc....

    But since us humans are always making mistakes. Is it not possible to create a perfect computer?

    I just want to know your guy's opinions. Because frankly, I'm getting just so sick of computer problems. I just want to hope.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2007
  2. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    i have a system that i have not had a problem with for three years
  3. Tashammer

    Tashammer Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    ah, but have you had it switched on or are yer tryin to be tricky then? :)

    The main problem that i have with mine is me and fiddling with the damn things and not leaving well enough alone.

    Hmm, i wonder if there is a rev pedal and an .mp3 of a V-8.

    Have ya noticed how easy it is to knock an lcd off the desk? Not like a good old crt that would stand a good belt now and again.
  4. Andrew691

    Andrew691 Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    As long as you dont run Windows the idea of a perfect, error free, PC is not only possible but fairly probable.
  5. skyman99

    skyman99 Guest

    Right, but what If so to say I really liked windows... There is a way to actually make it "error free" so to say. Im just thinking out loud here. But what if they could make the computer actually fix its own errors! like I dunno how on earth this could work. but just so as not to bother people. If they could make an computer able enough to fix its own problems. "behind the scenes" Wouldn't that be something?!
  6. Andrew691

    Andrew691 Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Its Windows...its never going to be error free...
    But I see what your getting at, basically like having an anti-virus program built-in right? but instead of just removing viruses it scan for all kinds of errors and stuff, kinda self checks itself as it goes so nothing gets messed up unintentionally. Correct?
    Technically it would be possible but I just dont see it happening any time soon.

    If you like Windows, try one of the Linux Distros thats made to look like it, then slowly get more into it and try other types as you get more advanced at using it.
  7. Tashammer

    Tashammer Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Good point Andrew691

    The ultimate error-correcting and unwanted intruder deleting program would be one that actually could generate its own errors, viruses, trojans, worms, and grotty things, and then would clean them all away on a random or scheduled basis according to your needs.

    Of course, this would mean a permanently blocked internet connection as one of the main actvities of the "Super One" would that it would in no way allow or countenance any competition, especially anything from outside the immediate system. This would mean an immediate end to spam, advertising, penis lengthening, multi-variate medicatication where each tablet weighs a kilogram and can also used as a penis implant.

    A totally enclosed, self-perpetuating system. Sound a bit like a nest of politicians don't you think?

    N.B. if you accept that any of the above is true as a whole then you are more disturbed than me. If, however, you feel that parts of it already occur then welcome to the real world of Neurocrosphere - where all your worst nightmares just fail to happen and the world turns beige.
  8. skyman99

    skyman99 Guest

    A computer smart enough to fix itself. I think that would be the perfect tool for everyone out there (computer wise anyways). I know lots of older couples (who dont know too much about computers and are just getting into it) they all get some error, and they cant fix it. so they then send in thier computer to get something simple fixed for about 200 bucks.

    If Mircrosoft could actually create a program enhanced enough to just be there to correct "everything". Like it'll obviously need tons of updates. Im not thinking of a anti-virus. but something that, instead of popping up error messages. it all happens behind the scnes and it "auto-corrects it" This would take ALOT of work. but it'll definetly be helpful.
  9. skyman99

    skyman99 Guest

    im not saying its gotta be error free, but im saying is that its gonna seem like its error free due to an "auto-corrector"
  10. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    free from software errors or free from hardware errors?

    as for software...given the machine isn't exposed to malicious bugs or tinkered with on a basic level, then variations of linux that exist *now* never have real errors.

    as for hardware...anything that has moving parts or uses electricity will eventually wear out. when your ram, hard drive, or something else'll get errors. there is no avoiding that.
  11. thegrunt

    thegrunt Regular member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    Yeah since Linux or Macs never have problems,"roles eyes"
  12. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    luckily even huge UNIX machines have problems, we humans gotta get paid somehow. thank God for computer problems, and the utter lack of 'The Perfect Computer'
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2007
  13. skyman99

    skyman99 Guest

    Hahahaha! Yea im sure alot of people would probobly go out of business if a "perfect" computer came out. But linux isnt exactly the most "user friendly" OS in the entire world....

    If the computer could have something built in to take away around 75% of the small problems that bug us on a daily basis. I'm sure that would do us all wonders!
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    that's the easy bit - don't use Windows :)

    ..which is a bit unfair from me as i have zero problems with Windows, any problem i've ever had (over any version Windows since the earliest days) has been cured with either the internet, common sense (ie before the internet) or a rebuild. Ok in the early days it was many rebuilds as opposed to one rebuild but back then that was half the fun; in fact more fun than using windows as back then Windows was very clunky
  15. Andrew691

    Andrew691 Regular member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Did I say Unix based systems were perfect? No, but the Windows Registry system is the main reason there are so many problems with windows.

    I too have had zero probs with my current install of XP(dont wanna mess up my laptop), I guess it depends alot on the user and what they do when using their computer. Also how much they like to play with various programs and alterations/modifications, I generally cant help but play with major system altering things.
    A general user who only does the occasional internet surfing and checks their email should have no problems with Windows, its the people who cant help but fiddle with settings/programs (like me) that have problems.
  16. skyman99

    skyman99 Guest

    lol I've been with windows since 3.1.... Haha, Im not gonna give up on it lol. One day... itll be error free!

    *begins to dream*

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