Hi i want to backup this game does anyone have any ideas, i believe the game is on DVD sorry if wrong forum i have Alcohol 120, a-Ray, Nero 6 and ALcoholer thanks
hey filmusa, any luck on getting your DVD copy of SIms 2 to work. I have backed it up sucessfully, but now can't figure out how to play it. It either freezes at the sims 2 start up screen, or it says it is corrupt. I'm lost and confused, If you know any helpful information, it would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
@filmusa, Alcohol will allow you to mount an image you make of Sims 2 DVD, but doesnt support burning it. Clone CD is your best bet, followed by Blindwrite 5.2.5 with Blindwrite tweaker. If you have a bought version of Alcohol and a lot of patience, you could wait for their next update, which will supposedly be a groundbreaker.
I Want A Swip A file I have the sims 2 no-cd crack and i need the the 00000002.TMP file from the international version if someone give me a link or email me the file ill send them the no-cd patch thanks noemailsallowed@afterdawn.com