The stupidest thing I ever did as a Kid/Teenager

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by blivetNC, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    On the way to my favorite stand of trees to go squirrel hunting one morning just before dawn, ran across a skunk and let him have it with a .12 gauge a range of like..right at my feet. Never before have I ever seen a Poof-skunk, vaporized him, next breath inhaled pure essence of skunk-du-stench, saw purple, instant bazooka barf. Caught my breath about ten minutes later. Burned the clothes over at a friends house to hide the evidence. Of course this is just inside the treeline at the end of the street, about 50 yards from the house, Dear old Dad couldn't stop B*tching about the A$$hole who ran over a skunk and didn't bury it. While stationed in Italy 10 years later I wrote him a letter and explained to him the reason the above mentioned A$$hole didn't bury him was due to the fat that there wasn't much left to bury. When I saw him 2 years later the first thing out of his mouth when meeting me at the airport was asking my I had to shoot that damm skunk. Hey, it was either him or me, well actually we both got it...
  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LOL! Nasty critters. One wonders why the creature was put on this earth in the first place; good ol' Noah should have left him behind. Got it once myself when camping years ago.

    I'll have to think longer about my teenage years but I had an incident as an adult about fifteen years ago:

    I'm a musician and teach a little on the side. One of my best friends at the time was a big shot of the board of directors of the Philadelphia Orchestra and The Academy of Music; the conductor at the time was Ricardo Muti who is considered one of the best conductors in the world. My buddy gave me two tickets for the best seats in the house for a premier perfomance conducted by Muti.

    My friend Steve and I went to the performance and got our seats which were in a rather fancy stage left box way above the audience (I had to resist the temptation to walk to the bannister and wave to the crowd like I was Prince Charles or something LOL!). Like everyone else, we were all duded up in tuxedos etc. There were only two others in the box; a man and his wife. The performance started and it was one of these modern really dissonant, noisy compositions. The guy next to me looked really bored and was reading a magazine but his wife seemed to be into it. After 45 mins of the aweful music (in my opinion), I leaned over to my buddy Steve and said "This really sucks!". I wasn't loud but loud enough for the other bored looking guy to hear. Toward the end, the guy and his wife left so I figured they'd had enough of that crap. Ten mins later the performance ended, the crowd is applauding this new and first performance and Ricardo Muti introduces the composer ... the guy to my left! What the hell ... someone had to tell him LOL! I also had tickets to this fancy reception in his honor, but I didn't have the gonads to go despite the feast that was to be served.
  3. caffeine_

    caffeine_ Guest

    You go squirrel hunting? Can you even eat squirrels? I dont think that they would taste very good...

    Yummy!!!!! Hunny were having squirrel pie tonight!!!!!!!!! Whoopie!!!!
  4. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @caffeine...yes, you can eat squirrels. I did quite a few times as a kid; my cousin use to nail them with either bow and arrow or slingshot. I don't remember what they taste like though; I was just a kid. Kind of nasty thinking about eating a rodent but we did...studpid kids; I'm sure we thought it tasted great at the time because we killed them ... well, Joe did, I was simply dangerous to anyone around me.

    We would also use the sling shots and bows and arrows to shoot hornets nests in the orchard ... I remember this one big one in particular. We'd pulvarize a part of it then see if we could outrun the bees. I sometime wonder how I made it to be such an old fart lol!
  5. caffeine_

    caffeine_ Guest

    well I guess its possible to eat a squirrel...however I guess it would taste like chicken like everything else.

    As for the hornets nests.....WOW. That takes some balls, I'm even nervous when I have to get that spray stuff to kill the nest. Just spray and run for your life. :/
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Balls, maybe, a little short on brains though. We should have done it at night; bees can't fly at night...but where would be the fun in that?
  7. caffeine_

    caffeine_ Guest

    I guess the saying "Its the Thrill of the Hunt" stays true for the wasps nests as well.
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I guess you're right. I'm no authority on bees ... these could have been wasps; they're not the yellow and black ones, they're completely dark brown with this nasty looking a$$ end that bobs up and down and looks like it's merely held on my a thread. Huge grey nests that look like cardboard and shaped like a big turnip.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2006
  9. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    That sounds like wasps alright, gerry. Stay away from them, especially now that you can't run as fast! :eek:) I had a whole nest of the yellow & black ones (yellow jackets), eat me up, when I was a kid. They stung me everywhere on my body, including my face! My eyes were swollen shut. Good thing I'm not allergic to them, huh?

    People here in the south, love to eat squirrel. Usually hunted for with a .22 rifle. I tried them once, but didn't like them. I don't like rabbit, venison, or dove either. Only wild game I've eaten, that I like, is duck. Wish I did like wild game. I could fill up the freezer cheap!
  10. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    Bees,wasps and hornets...all nasty when pi$$ed off...No thanks! If I had hair on my back it would be standing up just thinking about them!
  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @JVC....bahhh...bring 'em on! I'll swat at 'em with me cane LOL! Yeah, you are lucky you weren't allergic; I'm sure you were in all sorts of pain but that beats the hell out of dead! I had a room-mate that was allergic and brought a kit where ever he went and a damned good thing too: at an outdoor restaurant in Miami, he got stung right on the tongue taking a bit from his sandwhich. Even with the shots, I had to bring him to the hospital but I'm sure he'd have been a gonner without the shots.

    I'm like that with iodine. I'm allergic to shellfish and one day they ran this test on me; injected dye into my system and I went into anaphalactic shock...woke up a week later in intensive care. Damn near died ... no lights, tunnels or choirs of angels though. Seems I miss out on everything lol!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2006
  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    the worse thing i did was as a builder was building about 50 new houses,i was around that time there sure was no internet.....
    we found a big hopper of fresh plaster,pink...
    this was on a friday....we hit around 15 houses and we filled all the open electric boxes and fuze box's with every room..
    and all the keys were hanging for the garage doors and we switched them around..

    i hate to see what happened on monday..

    the reason we did that because they destroyed our club house when they started to build,there must of been 3-million police there on one got caught....

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  13. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    @Gerry,I'd like to see a video of that!LOL!
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LOL Ireland! That'll teach them to rip down a kid's club house!
  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    gerry1 look what i found,

    here ius another one diff font


    here the one for ddp that i made for him


    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  16. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Awesome Ireland! May I use it as my sig?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2006
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i say,yes ye may as i made it for ye..

    get it hosted...
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Thank you Ireland! That was very nice of you!
  19. mark5hs

    mark5hs Guest

    thats what you get for being mean to a skunk
  20. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    In HS I told mom and dad I was I was going camping in new hampshire (lived in new england at the time), took their car to Miami and partied for the week. I'm 54 now and still grounded.

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