"The WAR on Terrorism"

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by tEChniiQue, Aug 13, 2005.

  1. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    I have very strong views on the subject and I will partake in the thread later but I want to know what you all feel on the issue.

    Speak your mind amd tell the rest of Afterdawn your views.
  2. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    they all need to be die period heres what the ghost of Patton says
    Message from the Ghost of General Patton....
    OK you whining, panty-waisted, pathetic maggots, it's time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars.
    See if you can tear yourself away from your "reality" TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your flabby ass -- and LISTEN UP!!
    THIS is not "torture" or an "atrocity".
    This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do to newcomers. A little fun at someone else's expense.
    Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that, Kennedy? (pictures of the prison camp)
    YOU GET? Islam a peaceful religion???
    Millions of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can.

    Some of them are here among us now. They don't want to convert you and don't want to rule you. You are a vile infestation of Allah's paradise. They don't give a shit how "progressive" you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause.

    They want you dead, and think it is God's will for them to do it. And you think Bush and Ashcroft are your worst enemies?

    Some think if we give them a
    hug or listen to them, then they'll
    like us... and if you agree, then you are a dumb ass!

    If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even
    some anthrax -- you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance.

    Stop bitchin' about your Damn Health Care, Social Security, Gas prices, and your measly 5.25% unemployment rate...and start worrying about you, your family's, and your friends' asses.

    How many more Americans must be beheaded before you stop blaming Bush for all your troubles -- and grow some balls for a change?

    You've fallen asleep AGAIN, maggots! And you may not get another chance!

    and pass this on to any and every person you give-a-damn about... if you ever gave a damn about

    Please forward , if anyone wants this complete email PM me ,i will send it
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2005
  3. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    [bold]TO ALL[/bold]

    Do you think that the U.S. Military should stay in Iraq? If so/not, why?
  4. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    YES they should stop invading countries for there oil, Bush is not there to fight this so called war on Terrorism he's there to make the big $$$, after all he is a oil tycoon is he not so he knows his oil and were to get it. I can’t believe for the love of god that any right minded American would want that clown in change of THERE county. So yes they should pull out as should the UK.

    Iraq is not a war on Terrorism it’s about him securing oil from them just like he’s doing with Afghanistan and now the f****** idiot is saying that they have not ruled out using force on Iran if they don’t do what America wants while low and behold when it comes to Nukes the US can do whatever it want because there better than the rest of the world, GW BUSH WILL BE THE START OF WORLD WAR 3.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2005
  5. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    Its full of bullsugar! Bush found no weapons of mass destruction! He is just trying to look like the worlds number one leader, when he is really looking like the worlds biggest dump! Im an anti-Bush person, And I hope he will get a taste of his own medicine!
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    it may time to close this thread MODS.

    before i get really pissed off at the stupid comments on Bush in here

    Liberals i cant stand them period !!

    sounds like you guys are hoping terrorism will win

    and there WAS WMDs idiots ,saddam killed his own people with them REMEMBER , like 20,000 of them or did you forget that just to bash Bush.

    watch fox new channel and learn something
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2005
  7. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    If you are being bullied by someone and you cry everytime they are gonna continue to take advantage of you and ultimately, BEAT YOU.

    The "so called" WAR on TERRORISM will never be over. As long as there is hate, it will never be over. The acts will continue in some form as long as people exist.

    When the Towers fell because of the 9-1-1 Attack, the U.S. wanted revenge. They wanted all involved that were still alive brought to justice. Bush came thru and went into WAR mode.

    What people fail to remember or choose not to realize is that nothing is gained without loss. Not every war will be as easily won as past wars like Desert Storm. We will deploy to forward locations and return with fewer soldiers time and time again. I know. I am a U.S. Firefighter and I have been to Iraq twice. My first visit our entire team was at 350 sldiers. We returned with 341. My second visit was with 117 soldiers, we returned with 112. The only thing any of us has ever asked was to not die in vain. My biggest fear would be to die while walking back to my tent after taking a shower or anything non WAR related. I want to feel as I've served a purpose. IF WE STOP sending troops, we would have given in to the bully.

    People who speak negatively about the presidency are obviously not educated. I assume that they hear a part of the facts and run with it. That causes for tension. Whether they like what we are doing or not, EVERYBODY that is going to WAR has volunteered to be in that position. There is no draft or anything equivalent neing conducted.

    The family members of military should just [bold]support[/bold] the troops. Those on the outside looking in should [bold]respect[/bold] the troops.

    If the U.S. Military had not engaged in this sort of activity (WAR) when needed we might not be a free country.

    For those of you that think the U.S. should back out of the Iraq and their sister cities, think back how the world felt, how you felt, when the towers fell. Even if we were to pull out, we still have terrorists living in the U.S. amongst us. What do we do about them...they're a part of the problem too.

    BOTTOM LINE: If you want to continue to be free, you better start cheering for the home team.
  8. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Amen uniique1 Amen

    i support you guys to the fullest you all are the REAL heros of this country not hollywood or the sports figures.

    we have no choice but to win we will NOT back down from a bunch of cowards that blow themselfs up in the name of Allah.
  9. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Thank you Thank you Thank you. I wouldn't say heroes though. I look at like our job is a service (like most jobs) and we volunteered for. I don't look for special treatment, nor do i want it. I just wish that people would realize that before they existed there were others. With that, those "others" fought and died for them to have the freedoms they have today.

    Many people may say "I hate war, the world is bad, yadda, yadda, yadda, but how many of those same people would give up their freedoms in life because they disagree with war...........NONE is my vote. From what I've seen, most people want to have morals when it's convenient for them. "Get whereI'm going with this?!"

    As for educated/noneducated; most of America don't realize that it doesn't have to be war "WE" are in the middle east everyday of the year. So it trips me out when they say "BRING OUR TROOPS HOME" in times of crisis but when all is normal, you hear nothing. I'm not saying our public should keep up with our every move but if anyone tries to make a public statement about anything, they should be knowledgeable on the subject.
  10. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    uniique1 you asked i said, just because i don't like bush does not mean am not educated.

    Freedom of speech!!

    Dude that's just stupid just because people don't believe in your war does not mean we want terrorism to win!!

    What so invade ten year later, after pulling out b4.

    aabbccdd this is not to piss you of so plz don't see it like that.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2005
  11. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Nothing I said was directed at anyone in the thread. If I direct something at someone...they'll no it. What I spoke of was "in general" how people are.

    I'm in the military and I'm against WAR. I had other objectives upon entry. But that's another story.

    All I'm saying is, WE ARE FREE, remember where that came from and how we got to be that way. WHY? Well, on September 11th in 2001...some idiots tried to take it away in what seems to be a trend like fashion.

    So if you thought something was directed at you, IT WASN'T. Sorry you portrayed it that way or if I made it seem that way.

    You're right, I asked for your opinions and I sure as he%% gave mine. Once again, no offense intended.

    Seriously [bold]p4_tt[/bold] I wasn't directing my comments at you.

    People you like are not always gonna do things you agree with. And the same goes for the ones you don't like.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2005
  12. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Don't worry dude i don't get offended easily so no harm done to anyone i hope. I just fell strongly about this topic. As for September 11th yes I was shocked and almost sick when i saw it, no one should have to go through what them people in the towers did but war is not the answer but nor is doing nothing....

    Also what is a Liberal?

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2005
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    p4_tt its not my war its EVERYONES war
    did you read my first post, read this again

    Some of them are here among us now. They don't want to convert you and don't want to rule you. You are a vile infestation of Allah's paradise. They don't give a shit how "progressive" you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause.

    They want you dead, and think it is God's will for them to do it. And you think Bush and Ashcroft are your worst enemies.

    you better wake up bro. and get real

    and yeah everyone against war but we dont have a choice we must defeat them
  14. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    OK i see what you mean and i understand, i just don't like the idea of anybody killing another person but it's reality so i guess your right it cant be stopped by hugs, force has to be used but again i just don't like the idea of people killing people.
  15. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    You're right.

    Like I said earlier [bold]"If you are being bullied by someone and you cry everytime they are gonna continue to take advantage of you and ultimately, BEAT YOU. [/bold]

    If we lie down and do nothing, we will be conquered. If we stand up and fight we will upset all who are against WAR.

    I don't know about you "p4_tt" but I choose life and living it good. I odn't wanna worry about blowing up if I catch a bus, or taxi, while eating in my favorite restaraunt, while on the toilet, while making love with my wife, while playing with my little boy, while reading a book, while helping people and learning on Afterdawn, while driving to work, while taking a shower, etc, etc, etc,

    [bold]@p4_tt[/bold] Let me ask you this; If you were president of the United States, how would you handle the WAR on Terrorism to aid protection of the people of the United States??????????
    I was always taught don't complain about the way something is unless you have an idea to fix it or make it better.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2005
  16. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    It's a impossible question for me to answer, i can't fell as strongly about it as Americas do because Scotland has never came under attack am sorry if that sounds bad but it the truth.
  17. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    I could go to another man's house for dinner. Sit down and our two family's have eat together. Every free moment I get, I lean to my wife and talk about how bad their kids are and how dirty their house is amongst other things. At the end if the evening, we go home and even though wrong how I did it, EVERYTHING I said negative about that family and their home was true. What good did I do them by me coming and leaving?

    It would be wrong for me to do that, right? Maybe even unethical. But I don't know what kind of day that family had, what they went through, why their house was that dirty. Me and my family are on the outside looking in. Unaware of all the details that may exist.

    The U.S. is the same. A lot of people don't know what this war has done/is doing to people. Sadly enough, even some our own people don't understand or know why were at war. AND A LOT OF THEM want to complain but their arguments are shallow because the don't know what's really going on.

    None of us are politicians (I don't think) LOL. But it does spark one he%% of a delimma in my head. What would I do if I was president Bush in the situation that 9-1-1 put us in?

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