About 3 weeks ago I tried to fire up my Nero and I got an ASPI message stating file '?.?' was missing and an Error 12 Init failed. I tried to fix that, ( don't know if i did or not)and now I have the message ' The Win-ASPI file 'WNASPI32.DLL ' cannot be found therefore blah blah blah...... I've looked around this site for a few hours to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks p.s. If I can't get Nero fixed, what other burning software is free and pretty good ?
Ok ... Now I have tried to fix it and when i click on Nero it says ' Need Windows original ASPI32.DLL. I can't even get Nero open! I have no idea what is going on....
Have you tried to reinstall Nero? That will most likely replace the missing dll. It may also help to install an ASPI layer such as ForceASPI 1.8. http://forceaspi18.w.interia.pl/