The word virus, blown out of proportion...

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Balable, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. Balable

    Balable Member

    Mar 20, 2005
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    Hear me out on this people and write your opinions on this. I've been in computers since 1996 and I'm 19 years old. I remember back then Windows 95 was out I had dialup and through the years up to 2000 I downloaded a lot of files, I only got one virus, I got rid of it and it did some damage but nothing too big. I moved to broadband in 2000 and that ment I downloaded even more files and up to now I ever got a virus, not one. Now what I'm going with this is that I am not new to technology its been a part of my life for a good 9 to 10 years now and I know the signs of having a virus. Now I get very annoied by companies claiming that the typical user gets infected by a 10 or 100 virus's in a givin time span and then people take that information and pass it on to other people and then they think that everytime the computer behaves funny, oh its a virus. Now with the rise of Malware and Spyware, it gives people even more excuse to say that they have a virus when infact they dont! Now I worked at bestbuy for aleast 3 months in computer sales, and I had tons of people come up to me and said I'm trying to get over this huge virus I got, what should I get to fix it. After asking the person some questions, my reply was it's a hardware problem or sent them to a site to get rid of Spyware and they came back thanking me that it was the fix. Its just that the term Virus now a days seems like an excuse for any computer problem with people these days. Now just before I close this up I just want to note that I haven't had a Anti Virus program installed on my computer for about 3 years because I'm confident that I will never pick up a virus and up until now I never got one. So what do you think about the word virus, just a business scheme or a real threat?
  2. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    ARE YOU CRAZY sure you can get a pc virse from downloading ANY file,picture etc. even going to a web site, messager and the list goes on i would never run my pc without one. but i do think spyware is more of a problem than virses are, what the heck are even doing with your pc to justifie not using a virse program and on top of that theres many free programs as in AVG. out there to download at NO COST.
  3. kyle_101

    kyle_101 Guest

    Dont use Anti virus programs at your peril
  4. Balable

    Balable Member

    Mar 20, 2005
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    See this is exactly the response that I was going to get. No one hardly gets viruses anymore its just spyware and malware. A typical user can go fine with only three things, a fully updated computer, a nice browser like firefox, and a router if they use broadband. That is all the protection they will ever need. The only reason you flip out because I don't use any Antivirus programs is because the whole notion about virus has become scary by the public, like I said its been blown out of proportion by novice computer users and the media.
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Balable, i don't think you know what you are talking about as spyware & viruses are 2 different things tho they might be only 1. i've worked with & played with computers for 24 years & ibm's for 15years so have more experience with them than you do! i worked on a computer that was practically infested with infected files to the tune of 17,000 files & possibly higher but customer said to blow the drive out & do a fresh install. this computer had been bought new with no antivirus program on it & you say people don't need antivirus & antispyware programs than you better face reality as even macs get infested. a couple of mods here are not to impressed with the best buy geek squad, i think they refer to the geek squad as dweebs, dimwits or something worse tha that. so i would what what you say here about not needing an antivirus or antispyware program as you have a lot of people on you about this
  6. Balable

    Balable Member

    Mar 20, 2005
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    See this is exactly what I would hear from people like you. I never worked at Bestbuy's Geek Squad nor will I ever because there excuse for everything when they fix a computer is that it has a virus. I started my own computer repair business to fix a computer the right way and not to get into the business telling people the most lame excuse only to charge people $200 to get it fixed. All of my coustomers came and stuck with me to fix there computer because people arnt experenced enough to tell a person the actual problem or they are just to lazy to find the real problem. It just makes me mad that these company's and small business go this route. And acctually I installed Firefox on every computer I fixed ever since the Beta for it came out and I had absolutly no one complain about Spyware, Adware, or viruses, but I'm NOT saying that Firefox stops viruses, its just through my profession I haven't seen one computer infected with one.
  7. CKY_2084

    CKY_2084 Guest

    Yeah the Best Buy Geek Sqaud is a joke, I dont even think they are qualified. My dad had a problem with his computer and took it there before talking to me thinking that it was struck by lightning. He took everything to best buy monitor and all and told them he thought it was struck by lightning even though he had a surge protector. They told him his monitor and his video card was fried so he bought a new monitor and a new video card which they upsold him one he had no use for. Then they let him keep his old video card and about a week later I came over and he told me about it and I looked at his video card hooked it up and it was perfectly fine, it was just the monitor. I wonder what fucktard screwed em over. Thats all BB does is screw people over always trying to upsell stuff. Just last week I bought a plasma TV and after I got the one I wanted I was swarmed by three guys trying to sell me VIDEO SWITCH BOXES and telling me that COAX is no good and trying to sell me Monster Cables so after that I told them I didnt want the TV and went over to Circuit City and out of there in less than five minutes and they even cut me a deal after I told the guy about Best Buy.

    Also on a side note I dont think that everyone at BB is a fucktard, because about 5 yrs ago when I first got into building computers I had some real problems with my second system and it took it their out of good faith and I had a hell of a problem with my USB drivers not letting windows boot and the guy at best buy took my phone number and he called up like 10 different manufactures just to help me out and he called me back later that night and told me what the deal was. He was a good guy and highly experiecned and I still talk to him every once inawhile when I go to BB. Hes always telling me about his new upgrades and stuff and hes a cool dude,but thats about the only person Ive ever dealt with at Best Buy that actually does his job and doesnt lie to you and upsell you stuff you dont need or want.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2005
  8. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    My opinion...if you can't fix it wasn't meant to be fixed. All the information you need is at your fingertips. I have never, nor will ever, take my pc to a shop. Oh please, they will charge you like an arm and a leg.

    That is why I started my own side business fixing and dealing with viruses and stuff, and I don't even charge a THIRD of what they do.

    But CKY is right, they are a joke.

    That is great customer service...I know that when I was working for the TSA and I got home, I was still calling people to get them training info for their classes.

    But my first statement definately holds true:


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