Forgive me for being so green at this but here goes i puchased a premod xbox from it has the bells and whisles on lcd panel other light up buttons out side and no intructions when i hook it up it just has the xbox green screen and plays the game that came with it no backups i sure because i don;t know what or how to set up so please direct me to some guidence i have another system differnt mod it boots up windows media holds 85 game backups file system to run scripts like cnn ,emulaters 30 ,music and videoes ,so please help the lost one thanks Rb
im assuming the "green screen" is the M$ dashboard right? well if it is its ok i think you need to flash the chip with the illeagal bios like EVOX (or softmod it LOL)either will work(but prolly the EASIEST thing is just FTP a dashboard). u can get more info at i have the same chip some one installed i t4 me though. if you hold white button when u cut on your xbox it will boot to your chip menu. then you can cut on the FTP server and send files to and from your xbo xusing a FTP program i suggest "SmartFTP". and as a dashboard i DEFINATELY suggest XBMC you can get it off "the usual places" (xbins if you dont know how to use it just yahoo it) dont worrry that chip is awesome and has nice features like diff boot options and custom colors when hte xbox cuts on.
Dont listen to this kid, hes going about it the hard way, flash your bios with the latest Xecuter bios (Im assuming you have an Xecuter chip) and then downlaod Auto Installer Deluxe 3.0 burn the ISO and install any dashboard of you liking, I personaly use unleashX.
Thanks i read enough not to go his way my problem is i cannot get the bios 3.03 for executer the sites i tried are not working or down and i get nothing i got this s/b cool system and i can't to a dam thing please help you guys have always have come through for me clueless Ressie
first thing i suggested was flashing the bios i just offered other ideas if hes already got one xbox modded then he shouldnt have a problem finishin moddin this way just offering IDEAS and SUGGESTIONS that have worked for me i have like 10 diff boot options (like boot straight to xbmc evox unleashx halo 1 mameox , etc)some people like options yea flashing the bios is easy and i suggested goin to teamxecuter they have AWESOME tutorials with PICTURES that how i flashed mine if u look ull find em plenty of help out there just learn how to READ more carefully
he is right about one thing, using a tutorial, if you just type in "how to flash "insert chip name here" " in google you will come up with a boatload of stuff, and you can always use xbins (google it) to get your bios.
ho i 'm greatful for all the help i can get i did use the tean xceuter documents and got it done but how do i get other boots or programs like media center in other words where do i go from here i will read any thing anybody suggest ,thank you Ressie
Just about any program you want you can get off xbins if you already have your xbox running you can use xbins to get whateer you want i suggest xbmc as a dash and it has its own server thing just like xbins download mirc (itll have a 30 day trial but if u use a torrrent u can get it cracked) tutorial to use xbins then once there you can get dashboards - programs homebrew games (there are rulles make sure u only get zip and rar files not folders (you are only allowed a certain amount of files everytime) you can also get your emulators xbox iso programs and more it is a VERY useful thing that we all appreciate if htere is anything specific you are looking for post it and someone will prolly tell you where it is in the directory one thing u may want to knwo it=s the chip allows your xbox to bot to different drives so instead of moving alot of stuff around to change dashes you can just change your dash with a re-routing default.xbe our change your boot location to wherever you want (thats how i made xbmc my dash)
ok i took your advice i down loaded xbox media center for a dash board i have all these files on my pc how do i load on xbox just don't call me dum Ha , thanks in advance what i did is that correct?
KasinO please stop giving advice, or at least make it reabable, now what you need to do, is download AID 3.0 (auto installer deluxe, google it) and once you have dl the whole thing (it should be a pretty big file) burn the iso, and boot it up in your xbox, it will allow you to install any dashboard you want, and all the apps you need.
yea or just press and hold white button when you cut yoru xbox on and it will bottt to your modchip otpions. there you can enable your network and just FTP XBMC to your xbox you wont have ot waste a disc. just put all xbmc files in the C: drive and in the menu make your xbox boot to the C: drive(also in your modchip options) im not sayin kings way is wrong i just think FTPing is easier. (a tutorial to FTP to your xbox) (I suggest SmartFTP(you can get it from it is free)
I see why your the king i did what you suggested and i am pleased thanks for your help, junior thanks but king knows best ,kudo's king now one more thing of course i would like to upgrade my hard drive well this be easy and where do you get roms for the emulaters i can not thank you enough i did ok for a girl HA-HA
wow u guys like the hard way and cannot read. if you know how to get things on your xbox(trought FTP) you seriously could of just FTPed any dash u didnt need a disc or n e thing (the FTp methosd takes less than 5 mins) get=t roms from sites or bittorrents get hte emulators from xbins After you get them FTP them to your xbox. simple unless you wanna go about it the hard way
chill out KasinO the important thing is she got it fixed right? Now I like the website or or
well king i was happy until the hold thing went blank i changed my drive to a western 250 and i thought it was going well but one to many flashes killed the party all my fault well i contacted the company to take it back for repair and i will pay for it to be done unless you can think of where to start the orig xbox comes up ansays need sergvice the mod won't boot at all , boo hoo hope you can help Ressie
Well if you killed the chip with incorrect bios flashing, the only thing to do is get a new chip. Now when you completly remove the mod does your xbox work then?