Go to the _system_ folder on your microsd and in there is a themes folder, go in here, go to a themeXX (XX being a number from 01-12) folder and replace the files in this with those from the download.
Their is no theme's folder here is their something im missing ? do I have to make it ? I dont have anything yet Its in the mail on the way ordered it really early this morning like 1 AM. I have the firmware and stuff it has the _System_ Folder i open it I have 3 files Ebook CHEAT gbaframe Do I have to make a themes folder? (can you post pictures off your folders useing the print screen button ) ? Also for homebrew games and stuff I just make a folder anywhere on my SD (its going to be on root) called Games and put my homebrew (.NDS) files on their then boot this up and go to the Games Menu and a list will pop up and I choose what I want to play ? Is this correct? Does the DS have region override ?
http://www.m3adapter.com/SLOT-1/Download.htm You will need to install the FW and crap...download the manual there...i dont have a M3 so i dont know. Also DONT bump threads!
at www.ndsthemes.com They have a R4 themes and M3 themes is their a diffrence it says its for R4 or for M3 can I run R4 Themes on a M3 ? Also is their a special place I need to put .NDS files or can I just make a games folder and itl recognize them ?