I have just recieved my q6600 and opened the box. There is minimal info just the heatsink and the processor. I have looked at the heatsink and underneath it there seems to be grey strips. Am i right in assuming that thats the thermal pad/preapplied thremal paste? I assume it'd not be a good idea to apply artic silver on the cpu aswell while leaving that on the heatsink? If so shall i leave it be and just stick on the heatsink and save the artic silver 5 thermal paste.....or shall i remove it? If so how? Also (quick noob question) i bought the go stepping 95w version but theres no mention of this on the box. Is it a simple case of looking at the serial number?
that is the stock thermal paste. if you bought arctic silver you can clean the other stuff off using rubbing alcohol. you can get more info on the cpu by searching for the product code on the side of the box.