heres some weird and unanswerable questions, feel free to add your own Which way does a compass point in space? Can bald men get lice? What would happen if you were to feed a pig some bacon? Why is it that when babies are born they only weigh like 7lbs yet the mum weighs 30lbs more? If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? Can someone give up lent for lent? What did cured ham actually have? Why does a round pizza come in a square box? Can you write in pencil on an eraser? Can crop circles be square? If quizzes are quizzical then what are tests? Are people who are allergic to nuts allergic to coconuts too? Do stairs go up or down? Can you make a candle out of earwax? If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? Can you get cornered in a round room? Why don't the hairs on your arms get split ends? If heat rises then shouldn’t hell be cold? Why can’t you get a tan on your palms? Why is a square meal served on round plates? !!thecraigc!!
I thought it was Mmmmmmmm, for chocolate or beer, or even better doooonut! Mmmmmmmm. I leave you with Mmm in caps lock, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
You will get bacon-flavored bacon. If you've ever known pregnant women you'll also know reason for this... Yes you can, but more stranger is the fact that for erasing text from eraser you must use that eraser for erasing something else than text itself. Dunno, but can you get rid of allergic symptoms by asking doctor to castrate your nutsacks off? Maybe: Some people use candles for getting wax out of their ears, and only reason I can imagine for this to work is that candle will absorb the wax. If this is true then idioms must come from idiots.
oh hark at the smart arse romero! lol by the way when you said `things that make you go mmmmmmm` i thought you were talkin about the stupid dogfood chain called macdonald's old campaign before 'i'm lovin it'
if any1 has not noticed the thread has ???? after Mmmmmmm, so its like, Mmmmmm???? I wonder if...... not like Mmmmmmm, damn that tasted good, as a White Castle !!thecraigc!!
towards the nearest magnetized space material yes if they eat it, it's cannibalism, but that's all mom puts on fat to ensure the baby has all the nutrients it will need as it develops simple structure terminolog that's commonly used with churches, government, and business. no, but they could give up lint all the bacteria of raw ham it's much easier to cut, fold, and stack the square boxes than circular ones yes yes testing allergies vary from person to person both, depending on the field of reference of the observer. if you collected enough, yes church leaders and government officials = morons, so yes bring semantics into play; yes they're not around long enough to develop such structural damage if that's a reference to hell being in the center of the earth, that brings into play the magma and intense geological forces going on down there. remember, the core of the earth is liquid molten rock. that's hot stuff. you can round plates are aesthetically appealing, whereas square meals are a reference to covering all your nutritional bases. another one bites the dust. all questions (save those designed by buddhist monks to open one's mind) are answerable, 99% of the time with the correct answer.
@ killerc, don't know, i live in the UK, i just said it coz i like a movie called Harold and Kumar. @ auslander, damn, why u got to be smart all the time, give the brain a break. !!thecraigc!!
maybe this thread title should be, "things that make you go "hmm..", "huh?" and "wtf?!?!" "....or maybe it should just be closed, lol. j/k can't give the brain a break...i'm working on Calculus homework right now.