Hey I've never posted in here before so hopefully I'm in the right spot. Lately I have been thinking of buying a DS. I've watched a bunch of videos on the DS and it seems pretty fun. My friend just got one too, which is a pretty big motivation for me to get one so that we can play multiplayer together. The only thing I'm worried about is that I'll play it for a month and then never again. I'd rather not waste my money on it if that were to happen. So my question is after you purchased your DS, how long did you play it before it sort of wore out on you? And if you want, I would appreciate some game recommendations (specifically multiplayer). I've got about 200 dollars to spend, so I'm guessing that's the DS package and two games?
if you are into games, you will never get bored with it. for 200 bucks, buy the console only and buy a flash cart. (see wikipedia for info) then you can have as many games as you like. there are quite a few multi player games available, like mario olympics, sega superstar tennis to name a few. see here for list of games.