I bought a legal copy of Nero8 and also an Bluray plugin, installed it on my only PC last week (as an upgrade to Nero 7 which was deleted as part of the upgrade process). Now I'm getting a prompt to do an online activation, which I assume will lock my serial to the hardware of this PC. However, in a few weeks time, when Vista SP1 integrated ISO becomes available, I shall reformat my hard-disk and reinstall everything fresh - drivers, apps & everything. As part of this upgrade I will be replacing the hard disks to faster SATA-II drives - a process which will make my PC look like a different PC as far as the activation process is concerned. Obviously, in makes sense not to activate my Nero8 until after this major change - but does anyone know what limitations are placed on user activation? Can I install & re-install Nero8 unlimited times on the SAME PC, or do they restrict the total number of activations? Thanks NigelS Fait enough, I'm not trying to by
I think it's 5 times nrmsmith that you can activate it. After that Vision, Recode would be locked. Though if you contact Nero and explain the circumstances (reason for all the reinstalls and that you have a legit version) they should give you instructions on how to unlock it.
Thanks for the reply. I guess we will all find out in due course what limitations have been placed on us legal & honest paying customers. As I was going to say at the bottom of my last post, but didn't complete: Fair enough that Nero want to protect their software from pirates, but it is only fair that we know what the limitations are that have been placed on our use of the software. /N/
The patent activation bit has something to do with a 3rd party they pay for use of a encoder. But yes it would be nice if it was noted somewhere.