ok so i have SLI geforece 6800 ultra in my comp right now and i was wondering if this card would be a better/bigger diffrence in my gaming http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814150100#DetailSpecs thanx whoeever replies
2 6800 ultras (omg what are u doing i would kill even to have one of em) is more powerfull than 1 7800gtx but 2x 7800gtxs in sli is better than 2 6800 ultras
yeah sry the 6800 ultra is goin to my bros comp.......haha im young so i had to work lotta hours to get this stuff..buyin this thing for bf2......so i jsut ordered the 7800 ...newegg rocks..........im gonna water cool it-the video card to my comp is athlon 64 fx55 and 4 gb of ram......built to be a monster
nice see my x600 xt in sig it bites lol ur so lucky i live in aus and i have to wait till im 3 months older till i can legaly get a job so i guess youlle be upgrading to a FX 57 when they come out and 4gb of ram. i dont even have enought money to buy bf2 the demo for me at the moment.
nice system, just about beats mine hehe i pre ordered my ath64 X2 4600 last week though. my credit card statement is gonna look pretty bad soon i think, but i need it - all the newest games now seem to be getting some slowdown when i max them out & thats a sign im falling behind I won't be buying a 7800 though, i think i will wait a while and see what ati has to offer in the near future before i choose a new card.
comprun your buying one 7800gtx if so good idea because I bought two and the second one was just more than necessary. I was fortunately able to sell one to a friend but one of these monsters is enough. I also have 4 gigs of ddr2 ram but I prefer my Intel 3.7 over amd.