Those burning questions!!!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by alangrw, Jan 18, 2004.

  1. alangrw

    alangrw Guest

    1. How much compression can you use before it becomes too noticeable?

    2. What is the ultimate combination for dvd back up? i'm using dvd x copy platinum and nero 6 at the moment but i'm feeling drawn to dvd shrink because so many of you talk about it!

    3. My dvd burner is made by freecom and my pc recognises it as an nec nd-1300a, is freecom part of nec???

    4. My burner is 4x but have playback problems using it a 4x, 2x is fine! Does this mean that if i bought an 8x burner that i could burn at 4x without any problems?

    5. I think i remember reading that the only true ritech discs where datasafe labelled discs, is this true?

    Thanks in advance to any feedback on these questions. I realise that they may all have been discussed in here before at some point, so, apologies all around if you're tierd of them! :)
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    1. It depends on what you are watching it on, experiment. Sometimes you have to use more than you may like just to get the thing to fit. Skill with your re-authoring program helps.

    2. Get DVD Shrink 3.1.x to go with your Nero 6.

    3. A search may tell you.

    4.I have a 4X burner and burn at 4X. If I paid for an 8X burner I would expect it to work at that speed.

    5. A good question for the DVD-R forum.


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