Want are the benefits for having a SATA burner rather than an IDE burner? i am looking at this one for SATA http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106057 also, will this work if i use a PCI Sata card? If this capable of working i am also probably going to get a SATA dvd-rom for reading P.S. i do have 2 SATA connections on my MOBO but am currently using them for my HDDs, so thats why i asked about them working on a PCI card.
There seems to be no benefit to getting a SATA burner. Although there are some decent drives in SATA, there's a better selection of drives in PATA/EIDE and, in my opinion, those drives are much better as well. I imagine this will change as the emphasis goes to SATA, but it hasn't really happened yet and motherboard manufacturers have been pushing SATA for some time now and the burner market has not followed. In your case, especially, if all your SATA ports are full but you have a spare PATA connection, use it, don't go investing in PCI cards. You'll save money, need less setup work, and potentially reduce hardware conflicts.
thanks for the reply, dunker yeah, i didn't think there was any benefit that warranted me to get a sata burner, although they have been out for a long time, it seems not much people have them.
I have the Samsung SATA drives the only benefit for me was the smaller cables help clean the case up.