Tiny spots on disc after burning

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by shark29, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. shark29

    shark29 Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    So far this forum has provided a wealth of information regarding questions I had before finding this site. I have been looking a lot harder at the discs I burn as well as the manufacturer. I have recently noticed that quite a few of the last 50 discs I have burned - TDK(RICOH) and Memorex(CMC) have tiny pinhole size spots within the burned area of the disc after burning. They appear to be slightly darker than the rest of the burned area and roughly the same color as the unburned region. There are only one or two of these spots on each disc I have burned so far and they are barely noticeable. Naturally I figured since these tiny spots are the same color as the unburned area, that I would have a lot of freeze frames and such if nothing was actually burned there. However all the discs have played smoothly. Are these spots extra dye possibly? I would have figured they were spots where dye was not distributed evenly but so far that does not appear to be the case.

    Has anyone else seen these spots or have experience in knowing what causes them? I have a Memorex True 8X burned and these are 4X DVD+R discs I am using.

    Thanks for any info you can provide!

  2. brian100

    brian100 Guest

    I too have suffered from this problem. Take care to remove any debris from the disk prior to burning. Also reducing burn speed can reduce these annoying symptoms.
  3. shark29

    shark29 Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    Thanks Brian! So let me ask you, did you ever have a problem with playback from the discs you burned with these symptoms? Even though these discs playback just fine, I am still slightly worried since these spots appear to be areas not written to due to the color, even though obviously data was written to these areas. After all, these areas are the same color as the area of the disc that was not burned to. Just wondering in terms of playback of these discs in the future.

  4. brian100

    brian100 Guest


    Personally, I wouldnt rely on them lsting long term. But as they say..takes your choice takes yer chances.
  5. MackemX

    MackemX Regular member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    I suggest you always check the DVD's before burning

    you may see that there is an imperfection spot on the DVD and it seems to spread outwards. After burning the DVD you will be left with a spot as the rest of the imperfection has been burnt on

    if you have many of these in a pack of Discs I would take or send them back

    another reason for the spot can be dust or debris. That's why everytime I burn anything I use some furniture polish and a polishing cloth to clean the DVD so it's spotless before burning

    I've seen many burned Discs and some people obviously just stick the Disc in directly without even checking it's unreal :D as some of the unburnt areas are shocking!

    playback is normally OK as the burner just moves onto the next good part of the Disc and doesn't burn to any area it thinks won't work. There will be a technical explanation for this but I'm sure this is how it works :). You could probably stick a small sticker on the Disc and it would burn around it :)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]DVD Backup Tools and Guide

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2004
  6. shark29

    shark29 Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    Thanks for the info guys!! You have all been a huge help! Now that I am looking even closer, most of the discs only have one tiny pinhole size spot very close to the center of the disk - thats it! Maybe its my burner since its done it on more than one disk manufacturer. I am glad they do play smoothly, just worries me a little in regards to whether I actually do have bad discs now after being burned.

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