tiscali poor service

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by umplfixer, Sep 10, 2006.

  1. umplfixer

    umplfixer Member

    Sep 10, 2006
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    hi all
    i moved to my present house in december last year north east of the uk and signed up with tiscali for broadband as it said on uk tv for only £14.99 a month i paid my first payment of £19.+ not £14.99 as stated i was told it workes its self out ? my next payment was for another £17.+ and still no bill for £14.99 then a guy phoned me up from tiscali and asked me if i would like to have my phone calls passed to them with no contract so i could get free calls some times i said ok then after a few days thought better of it so left them with bt and told tiscali i did not want to change over i was with in the time to cancel and no charge for any thing, then my internet broadband went down after 7 weeks no adsl light i phoned up tiscali and asked them what was wrong i was first told it was bt's fault then a card in the exchange was faulty re burned out all this was wrong bt said it was not their fauly at all and that tiscali had turned of my broadband, after weeks going by and no connection to the net i was told by tiscali that i would just have to wait till it was back on what had happned was tiscli had turned of my adsl link and pulled the plug on me then made out it was bt's fauly the canceled my calls but also canceled my internet broadband by mistake but i paid for it in the end big time lie after lie every time i phoned them so in the end i had to pay a full year's money up front the hole lot to get away from them this cost me £196+ some beware tiscali in my book are very bad as an isp and the attitude on the phone is not good at all i am now with uk online and no problems at all i will never go with tiscali again ever not if they were the last isp on earth after 10 years building computers and so on i have never seen as bad a service so for this year 2006 i had to pay double for my years connection , umplfixer not happy with tiscali or their service
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum

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