Hi There is probably a really obvious solution to this but it is driving me to distraction so any help would be appreciated. When i RIP CD Audio tracks to a .WAV file using Nero 7(or Windows Media Player 10) it defaults to calling them Track Noxx.wav (the xx being the track number on the CD), this is also stored somewhere in Metadata i can't find. I can rename the file in Windows to its actual name, but whenever i drop that file into a Nero Music Compilation i still get the original "Track Noxx.wav" in the Title field, and if your working with a lot of WAV files this can be completely useless when reviewing the list prior to burning. Is there a way i can get Nero to show the Filename of the tracks in my compilation, or does anyone know where exactly the metadata "Trackxx.wav" is held within a WAV file so i can change it or are there any programs out there that can access and edit that metadata, i have looked but every program i have checked (including Windows Vista itself) doesn't show it. P.S. I know you can override the naming convention when ripping files in Nero altho it is very convoluted, but it only works sometimes and other times Nero won't let me use my "user defined" name saying it has illegal characters no matter what i put in there so that work-around doesn't work.
Hi, it's not a good idea to rip to a .wav file because .wav files are much larger and you'll run out of space on your HD in a hurry. Rip to either .mp3 or .wma Go into the song's folder and 'right click' on each song > properties > summary > advanced > and change the title name from "Track Noxx" to it's proper title. You should also change the arists name as well. Hope this helps.
Hi Thanks for the reply only you assume i'm putting in CD's that Nero recognises, the problem is i am a DJ who gets loads of promo CD that are not recognised by any database so when i try to organise them on my computer (hence the .WAV format) i have problems with the metadata. I could save them as MP3's and there are numerous workarounds, but why should i compromise the way i want to do things to fit in with NERO's idea of how things should work. So, again please, if anyone can answer my questions great, but if you are gonna tell me to change what i am doing to follow the crowd please save your self the bother.