Does someone know of a link where I can read up on the legality issues of this? Lets say for example I record the SuperBowl on my TiVo and then transfer it to DVD so I can watch it anytime I like. Is this legal? I assume this would fall under whatever laws are in place for recording straight to VHS or DVD from a TV, Cable, or Satellite signal. Thanks -Mike
You can record anything you want. If a vcr can do it and make vhs tapes what would make it illegal to do it with dvd's? Now if you were selling them for a profit then it would be something different.
I would think it is legal because they make DVR's with build in DVD recorders to burn recorded video.
I just got Cox's dvr, is there anything special I need to do to hook up an external dvd burner to the dvr in order to copy movies off of the dvr?